He held his hands up as if to hold off an attacking army. “I would never have requested… wait… wait. What? You?” His usually deep voice had risen in pitch. “You’re going to service me? I thought… I’m so fucking confused. You’re a real personal assistant, Marcel. An extremely talented one.”

It was adorable that he thought I needed reminding.

I pointed to the sofa over by the panoramic view of the strip and the fountain light show. “Sit down.”

Luca immediately did as I asked. I followed him and pulled up an ottoman so we were sitting knee-to-knee. “We seem to have gotten ourselves into a bit of a tangle here,” I began, reaching for one of his hands and holding it between mine. The poor man was trembling.

“I feel like I keep doing and saying the wrong thing,” he admitted softly. “But I swear I didn’t ask Jillian for a sex worker. Ever.” Then he tacked on his same disclaimer. “Not that there’s anything wrong with sex workers. I respect—”

I lunged forward and shut him up with a kiss. Was it the most clarifying action I could have taken at the moment? Absolutely not. In fact, it was probably confusing the matter a thousand times more.

But I couldn’t help it.

Luca was adorably awkward. For all that he was an intelligent, well-respected businessman, he was also a sexy teddy bear who kept tripping over honey pots wherever he turned.

I held on to the side of his face with both hands to keep him from pulling away, but he didn’t even try. He made a deep sound of pleasure and then grabbed me around the waist and pulled me onto his lap until I was straddling him and kissing the fuck out of him.

Honestly, I didn’t care about the confusion, the fact I was technically an employee, or anything else at the moment. I simply wanted to stop talking about someone sexually servicing Luca and get onto the business of actually doing it.

“You smell good,” he murmured against my lips. “Taste even better.”

His wide hands snuck under my shirt and spread possessively across the bare skin of my back. I shuddered at the strength of him, at the confident way he held me despite his earlier insecurities about offending me.

“I’m a real personal assistant,” I said breathlessly, agreeing with his earlier comment. “And I really want you, Luca Bernardi. So fucking badly.”

Luca pulled back to meet my eyes. “Are you sure? Because I have no expectations, and there’s no pressure. But… fuck, sweetheart, I want you too.”

I smiled at him as big as I could to assure him I was happy with the situation and not at all unsure of what we were (hopefully) doing. “Very, very sure. I promise. And just to be clear, I quit as your PA, effective thirty seconds ago. These six hours as your employee have been magical, but I want there to be no doubt about what we’re doing here. I’ll still help you at the meeting tomorrow, of course, but as your friend… with benefits.”

His eyebrows furrowed. “That hardly seems fair.”

I leaned in and brushed my lips across his ear, enjoying the shampoo scent coming off his still-damp hair. “It’s not fair to let me sit on this large erection when you could just accept my resignation and fuck me with it instead,” I said softly. “So please stop talking about PAs and work for the love of Christ.”

Luca’s breath hitched. “I formally accept your resignation,” he said faintly. He moved his hands down to squeeze my ass and grumbled deep in his chest. “Now, let me take you to my bed.”

Without waiting for my response, he stood up, lifting my slighter frame as if it was nothing. I clung to him and nipped and sucked the side of his neck while he carried me toward his bedroom.

“Can’t believe Jillian sent me a sex worker,” he muttered. His strong arms stayed tightly wrapped around me.

I couldn’t hold back a bubble of laughter. “She’s probably high as a kite.”

When Luca lowered me onto his bed, the tender look on his face took me by surprise. It made me feel precious. Had any man ever made me feel precious like that before?

Luca climbed carefully over me and began a slow, protracted tease during which he kissed every inch of skin revealed as he pulled off my clothes. When I began to complain about it taking too long, he simply placed his large hand over my mouth and murmured, “Let me have you like this. I want to savor you.”

And I was undone.

I watched him after that as he moved from small, openmouthed kisses on my shoulder to licking, teasing nips on my stomach. No man had ever spent his time relishing me this way, exploring me, tasting me, and teasing me. By the time he put his mouth on my desperate, leaking cock, I was panting with need.