He shrugs. “I will tell you when to come to me, what to wear, and I expect you to do it with no questions asked. So long as it doesn’t interfere with your work hours, of course.”

He eyes me wearily, almost like he’s expecting me to say no. Like he wants me to say no. And I don’t know what to make of that, but for a moment, I think he might be trying to push me away.

“I’m not a pizza,” I counter, deciding to give him an out if he wants one. “I don’t just come when you order me to, Gabriel. You can have me when it’s mutually agreed on, or not at all.”

For some reason, he seems relieved by my words. “Well, we’ll see about that, Victoria.”

I roll my eyes at his assumption that I’m so predictable. Even if I am, he doesn’t have to be so damn cocky about it.

“I want to discuss some boundaries,” he states gruffly.

“Okaaaaaaay.” I groan, hating that business-like tone of his.

“Is there anything, sexually, that you refuse to do?”

“Um…” I pause. I hadn’t even thought about these things. Last night I thought I would never see him again. “I don’t know.”

He reaches down and caresses my cheek, his gentle side returning. “It’s okay, we’ll get there. We can try things together, and if you don’t like it, all you have to do is say stop.”

And then we’re over my subconscious supplies. I glance at my twisted fingers in my lap. I like both sides of Gabriel, but a part of me wants to tell him to stop being gentle with me… to only fuck me roughly and use me for his pleasure. But it has nothing to do with the sex and everything to do with my heart.

“I want you to stop coddling me,” I say. “Whatever you want to dish out… whatever you normally do, just do that to me. Don’t worry whether or not I can handle it. Just don’t be nice to me.”

He stares at me in disbelief, and if I didn’t know any better, he actually looks hurt.

“Well which is it, Victoria?” he snaps. “You just got done telling me you aren’t a pizza. But now it sounds like you want to be my fuck toy. Is that it? You come when I want, do what I want, and we just ignore the niceties?”

“Yes,” I grate. Because that’s what I am.

“Fine.” His eyes are eyes cold and deadly calm. “Now just a couple more things. I’ve made an appointment for you today. I need you on birth control. This is non-negotiable.”

“Um, you cannot be serious.”

“I’m totally serious,” he replies coolly. “I want to be able to fuck you any time or anywhere I want. That is the whole point of having a plaything, is it not?”

I know he’s trying to piss me off, but it isn’t working. Because he doesn’t realize how fucked up I am or how sexy it is when he calls me his fucktoy or his plaything.

“Fine,” I relent. “Just leave me the details.”

Gabriel grins like he can’t help himself, and I grin back too. And that’s when I know, this man is going to be the destruction of me.

To be continued….

Thank you so much for reading part one of Victoria and Gabriel’s story. If you enjoyed it, please consider leaving an honest review on Amazon or Goodreads. Or if you’d like to email me directly, you can do so at [email protected]

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Ready for more of Gabriel and Victoria’s story?

Here’s a special teaser for Falling into Exposure

********* “Very good Victoria. You have pleased me immensely.” He strokes the naked flesh along my collarbone and lifts my chin to meet his gaze. And then my eyes dart to the large bulge inside of his gray sweatpants. Every muscle inside of me clenches with desire. He seems to be able to read my thoughts as he moves his hip forward, rubbing his erection against my cheek through the material of his pants.

“Do you see this?” he grips his thickness through the fabric. “This is what you do to me.”