Without him, I assume. “No, it’s okay. My roommate’s probably waiting for me anyway. And I don’t want to keep you from anything.”

He doesn’t respond, so I think I’m right in my assumption. I stand up and quickly reassemble myself, picking up my clothes and dressing.

Gabriel ambles over to me, surprising me by taking me in his arms and kissing me again. The kiss is soft and surprisingly gentle.

“I could find something to eat if you’re hungry,” he offers.

“That’s alright.” I smile. “Alanna is probably waiting for me to eat dinner.”

He frowns, looking almost disappointed. But he recovers quickly as he walks me to the door.

“Alanna is your roommate.”

I’m not sure if he’s asking or stating. By now, I have no idea what kind of information he has on me, and quite frankly it’s a bit worrying. Because if he can get his hands on that kind of information, then surely almost anyone can.

“Yes, she is. Roommate, slash pain in the ass, slash best friend,” I reply jokingly.

Gabriel doesn’t smile at my joke. He seems to be distant again.

“So, do you know how long you want to keep this thing going between us?” he asks in a business-like tone.

“Um, I’m not sure.”

“Well, I don’t want it to get complicated,” he says. “So what do you say, maybe three months and then we can go from there?”

Geez, his mood shifted so suddenly. Is he pissed at me? Or is this just how he treats his fuck buddies? Does he think I’m going to get too overly emotional, and that’s why he’s asking? If that’s the case, I know how to stop that thought process right here.

“I’m leaving in two months, Gabriel. So I guess it will be either before or until then.”

My words actually seem to shock him, and the muscle in his jaw starts ticking.

“When were you planning on telling me that?”

“Um, I just did?”

He runs a hand through his hair and sighs. “We’ll talk about this later then.” He kisses me chastely on the lips before sending me out the door.

I can’t help feeling a little wounded myself at the manner in which I’m being dismissed. I know he offered for me to stay, and then offered me food, but then he just switched off like he didn’t mean any of it. Mere formalities. I hate that he’s so hot and cold all the time. And he didn’t even tell me when we’d see each other again. I shiver as I step out into the cool evening air of New York City, knowing I’ve really stepped in it this time.

Chapter Eleven


I arrive back at my apartment, courtesy of a taxi. Paul was waiting downstairs at Gabriel’s apartment by the time I got to the bottom which only added to my annoyance. The thought of him being on standby for me, waiting to leave, was more than a little strange. I told him I would get my own way home, and he looked none too happy about it. Presumably due to the prospect of facing Gabriel’s irritation.

I have some serious thinking to do about this whole situation. I feel deflated as I climb the steps to my door, hoping Alanna can help make some sense of all of this. She always knows just what to do in these types of situations, and that’s one of the reasons why I love her so much. But as I suspect after walking into an empty apartment, I find a note stating she’s on another date. I don’t bother making anything to eat and opt for a hot shower and bed instead.

The next day I sleep in late and don’t bother checking with the courier company for work. As I pad down the hallway, I find Alanna hunkered down on the couch watching tv. She smiles when I walk in and then frowns when she reads the expression on my face.

“What happened, babe? You were asleep so early last night. Did everything go alright?”

I pour myself some coffee and make my way to the couch, kicking my fuzzy slippers onto the rickety coffee table. “Well, it didn’t exactly go to plan, I’ll put it that way. And I definitely need your advice on this one. But first I want to order some food, I’m starving.”

“Okay doll, anything you want, I’m yours for the day.” She walks to the fridge and grabs some takeout menus. “What do you feel like? Indian, Chinese, Pizza?”