His toes started to itch and he backed away from the door as if it were a nuclear reactor in meltdown mode. For once when dealing with Sylvie, he was going to listen to reason and get the hell out of Dodge on a bullet train.

But speeding backward, his right foot got tangled in the rug and he stumbled. Fighting to keep his balance on his bum knee, he flung his arms out and grabbed for anything to stop his fall. He connected with the shower curtain. His fingers fisted the thick plastic, but gravity already had him in its clutches. The rings holding up the shower curtain popped under his weight and he landed flat on his back, his head whacking against the laminate floor.

Sylvie burst into the bathroom, rushing to his side. “Are you hurt?”

“I’m fine.” Unless you counted his pride.

She leaned over him and her fingers sailed, whisper soft, over his head, face, and chest. “Are you sure? You could have a concussion.”

Her movements shifted her tank top lower, giving him a perfect view of her free-swinging tits. Full and heavy, they brushed against his cheek as she combed through his hair, presumably looking for cuts or bumps.

Hell, a head wound would be a blessing. It would distract her so she wouldn’t notice the tent growing in his lap. Again. Stupid shower curtain. Why couldn’t it have fallen across him?

Sylvie straightened. “Looks like you’ll live. Can you sit up?”

The plastic crinkled as he discreetly tried to slide it over himself.

Her eyes slid downward. A smirk curled her lips upward. “Yeah, I think you’ll be just fine.”

Well, he’d bit the big one at running, and cowering wasn’t his style. Maybe he should let her look her fill. Rolling to his feet, he stood with his legs braced apart, hands planted on his towel-covered hips, and stared her straight in the face.

Her emerald eyes went fuzzy as she sucked on her bottom lip and her nipples popped to attention under her thin shirt.

Ha. At last the tide was turning in his favor. “Okay. You wanted to talk?”

“Talk?” She blinked rapidly. “Oh. Yes. About last night.”

He jumped in before she could start. “I won’t deny I’m attracted to you.” She barely came up to his shoulders. Her hair stuck out everywhere. Bright blue toothpaste smudged her cheek. A bandage was stuck to her shin. “Very attracted. But you’re my client. I can’t let you get hurt by not thinking like the cold-blooded bastard who’s after you.”

“So you don’t take cases where you’re emotionally involved.” Frowning, she crossed her arms under her bountiful breasts. God, she was sexy.

“Hell no. Emotions will get you killed.” With the desperation of a sinner on his deathbed, he prayed she’d agree to ignore the constant pull between them. He hadn’t completely lost his hold on sanity when it came to her, but his grip was slipping.


She shot him a calculated smile and tilted her head. “I see. Well then, who would you hire if someone threatened your sister or your nephew?”

“Myself.” As if he’d trust anyone else on something that important.

“So you don’t care about your family?”

Fuck. “Of course I do.” His little head really had taken over if he’d missing seeing that coming.

“Ha! I thought so.”

One of the most important things he’d learned in growing up in a house full of stubborn women was when to shut his pie hole. This was one of those times.

Determination lit up her beautiful face. “You’ve got your rules. I understand that. This attraction between us, it may not be the end-all-be-all, but it’s something. Maybe something big. And I’m not going to pretend last night only happened because I wanted comfort and you were handy. I wanted you. You. Still do. Consider yourself warned, Tony Falcon. I’m done being afraid of taking risks, and I’m gunning for you.”

His brain combusted so completely he smelled burnt wires.

She sneaked closer, stretching up and wrapping her arms around his neck. Her lips touched his, setting off a lightning storm that electrified him from the toes up. It was a kiss meant to throw down the gauntlet and dare him to accept the challenge. And, sucky for him, it was over almost as soon as it began.

She stepped back and ran her shaky fingers across her lips, then whirled and marched out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind her with a firm click.

His father had warned him years ago that dangerous women knew exactly what they wanted and were smart enough to get it. Tony’s itchy toes told him he’d just kissed the most dangerous woman in the world.

And she was going to hate his guts when she found out that he’d been the one to send the first nasty e-mails to the High-Heeled Wonder.