His gaze dipped and roamed over my body once more before he tore it away. There was a beat of silence that he used to contemplate.

“How about vixen,” he said quietly.

I started fidgeting again. It seemed odd to me that this man wanted me to act sexual with him in front of his family, but he didn’t actually want sex. For a second I almost questioned if it was because he was gay. He didn’t put off that vibe though, at all. Maybe that was just wishful thinking on my part.

“Vixen sounds fine,” I agreed. “But can you give me some idea of what you’d like me to do exactly when you use that word?”

His eyes shifted away again. This conversation seemed to be making him very tense for some reason, but these were his rules, not mine. And I needed to know how to play the game.

“Just… make it seem like you can’t get enough of me.”

His face held a hint of insecurity, and I almost couldn’t believe it. The man was absolutely gorgeous, but for a moment, it looked like he didn't quite know it. My face flamed with heat as my brain conjured up a visual of me shoving my tongue down his throat. What the hell was wrong with me?

“Okay.” I whispered. “Anything else I need to know?”

“My family might test you,” he said. “They will suspect you’re a gold digger. They might quiz you on a few things. So I guess we should use this time to get to know each other.”

“That sounds reasonable.” Despite what he just said, I liked this part of the game.

“You’ll need to call me Jameson when we’re there,” he instructed. “Do you need some background on me?”

I blinked in his direction, probably looking like a deer in the headlights. Wasn’t that the point? “Yes?”

“What don’t you know?”

Again, I blinked. “Everything. Should I know more? Was Madame Jackie supposed to tell me?”

A grin spread across his face, and my heart escalated. He had a beautiful smile, complete with dimples. How did I not see those before?

“My apologies,” he said. “Most of my life is a matter of public record. You really don’t know anything about me?”

“I’m afraid not.” I shook my head. Maybe I should have been better prepared. I should have used google. But I didn’t read tabloids, and I rarely had time to pick up a newspaper.

“I have to admit, this is a first,” he said.

It wasn’t arrogant or cocky, but it was obvious he wasn’t used to telling people anything about himself. I guess most of them already knew.

“Okay, well…” he blew out a breath. “I’m a real estate developer. King Industries. Ever heard of it?”

A sheepish grin spread across my face as I shook my head. “Nope, sorry.”

“Well, you don’t need to know the ins and outs of my work. What I do should be sufficient. You can say you attend business functions with me from time to time to make it sound convincing.”

“Sounds practical,” I agreed. “So what do you like to do when you’re not working?”

This brought another smile to his face. It had a direct correlation to something deep inside of my belly.

“I work a lot, so there isn’t time for much else,” he explained. “But I travel when I can. And I play soccer on a social team during the summers.”

“You do?”

I stared at him, envisioning him out on the soccer field. He certainly had the body for it. I was willing to bet he was a force to be reckoned with inside or out of the office. He was built, but lean, and now I was really curious what he looked like when he wasn’t in a suit.

“Do you like it?” he asked.


“Soccer,” he smirked. “Do you like it?”

I’d like to see him play it. So it was a half-truth. “Yes.”

“Hmm…” He smoothed his fingers over his stubble, and my eyes followed them. “What else? I should have probably prepared a list.”

“How about your favorite color?”

“Black,” he answered without pretense. I could see that by his perfectly cut suit. He was damn fine in it too.


This question brought a hint of pink to his cheeks. “Pumpkin spice cookies.”