I groaned. I was not a fan of bikinis, especially with my setup. One little slip, and my boob would be falling out of that flimsy material. And forget trying to get that tiny triangle to cover my ass.

“Fine,” I grated, reaching for a black one. “I’ll take this one.”

“I’ve got seven pairs of heels for you,” Madame Jackie interrupted. “You’ll have to mix and match those. But you have a different dress for every night, and even a few special ones for the holiday events.”


I didn’t even know half of what they’d packed for me by the time I was through. Once they started rattling off all the things I was going to need, I realized just how overwhelming all of this was. I was going to be in girlfriend mode for two weeks straight.

Easy for someone who’d actually had a boyfriend in the last four years, but not me. I dated a couple of guys in my first year of college, but nothing serious. When my Aunt got sick I had to drop out, and my dating life ceased to exist entirely.

That was why it was almost comical, this whole situation. Even Katia didn’t know I was actually a virgin at twenty-two. I’d been too embarrassed to tell her.

While most of my friends were out dating cute guys and having fun, I was taking care of my Aunt. I didn’t resent it at all, but now I was scared. How was I supposed to act like a girlfriend when I didn’t even really know what that entailed?

I was awkward at the best of times, and this guy was probably smooth as butter the way they described him. This whole situation had train wreck written all over it.

“Okay.” Madame Jackie wheeled over two huge suitcases. “You’re all set. Just one last thing.”

“What is it?” I asked.

“You need a name.” She furrowed her brows. “One that you’ll be comfortable with him calling you for the next two weeks, and one you’ll remember to respond to.”

“Oh.” I fidgeted with my necklace and mulled over her words. “Do I have to pick another name? I mean, can’t I just go by Harper?”

Madame Jackie tapped her chin, her green eyes scrutinizing me carefully. “Typically, we go by fake names. It’s safer and the girls usually prefer it. But given the unusual circumstances of this situation, I think you’re right. You’ll probably feel more comfortable with your real name, so long as you don’t have a problem with it.”

I knew what she meant. Most of the girls probably worried their family or friends might find out what they did. I didn’t have that problem. Katia was my only friend, and there was no family left apart from some distant cousins in Wyoming.

“I’m comfortable with it,” I assured her.

“Great.” She smiled. “Then I think that’s everything.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat and debated again if I should tell her this wasn’t going to work. But before I could, the receptionist came into the room.

“Mr. King is here,” she purred.

I didn’t miss the stars in her eyes. And for a moment, I thought I was going to have a panic attack.

“Just relax.” Katia squeezed my hand as she pulled me from the room. “Madame Jackie will do all the talking. You just need to sit there and look pretty and follow his instructions. Think of it as a game.”

A game. Right. I could do that.

For now, I needed to put one foot in front of the other. Easier said than done in my three inch heels.

The receptionist led us to a private conference room and opened the door. She tried to follow us inside, but Madame Jackie tossed her a look that left her scurrying away.

God, the girl had it bad for whoever this guy was. I almost felt sorry for her.

But when my eyes connected to the man in question, I started feeling sorry for myself instead. He was the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen. I knew people said that all the time, but I was serious.

He was the one who was exotic. Black hair, olive skin, dark eyes. He had them in spades. He resembled some kind of rugged alpha warrior king from one of my romance novels.

And then there was me.

Holy shit. This was really happening. My breath had disappeared again, and Katia squeezed my hand tightly to remind me to inhale.

“Hello, Mr. King.” Madame Jackie bowed graciously. “What an honor it is to have you at Bisou. I’m Madame Jackie.”