“You look stunning,” Lily squeaked. “I knew you would. Wait until Jameson sees you.”

Crap. Jameson.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I worried he wasn’t going to like this. He wanted me to dress sexy. This was more… charming and sophisticated.

Lily misread my expression and patted me on the arm. “Don’t worry, he’s going to love it.”


The ceremony was absolutely beautiful. At every turn, there were tea candles and twinkling lights. The decorations were all silver and white, in keeping with a winter theme.

Jameson led me through the fray, finding our seats beside his family. He’d been oddly attentive to me ever since I met him downstairs at the house. When his eyes landed on my dress, they flared with unexpected heat. And then he surprised me by taking my hand in his and kissing it softly as he told me I looked beautiful.

It was a tender gesture, and one I wasn’t exactly sure what to do with. If he’d done it in front of everyone else, I might have questioned whether it was for show or not. But we were completely alone.

Even now, as we took our seats, he threaded his fingers through mine and gave a gentle squeeze. It was soft and sweet and I couldn’t stop looking at him. He seemed to be having the same problem.

The ceremony began and the bride and groom both wore happy, relaxed expressions throughout. Lily blubbered next to me and then complained about her boyfriend Clark not proposing yet.

As the happy couple left the room, we all made our way to the ballroom housed in the same hotel. The reception was due to begin immediately, and I was more than ready for a drink.

I spotted Katherine and her family across the room, and my grip on Jameson tightened. He didn’t even seem to notice and simply continued on with his mission to find us some drinks.

After dinner was served, Jameson leaned over and traced my palm with his finger while he whispered in my ear.

“Having fun?”

I shivered as his breath warmed my skin, and a jolt of desire burned straight through me.

“I am,” I whispered, my voice betraying me.

Jameson’s eyes flared, and he clasped my hand in his as he stood. “Come dance with me.”

I followed him onto the dance floor, melting against him as he pulled me into his chest. He smelled so good I couldn’t stop myself from inhaling his cologne. There was a very small part of me that wished he would use our code word just so I could touch him.

“I said it before,” he murmured as his eyes met mine. “But you really do look beautiful tonight, Harper. I know we have an agreement for you to dress… a little differently. But I like the way you look tonight so much better.”

Oh, to hell with the code word. I couldn’t stand it anymore. I reached up and grasped his face in my hands, pulling his lips to mine. Our bodies collided, and for a moment, everything else ceased to exist as he devoured me with his mouth. His hands tugged me against him, so close his arousal burned against my belly.

I was panting and flushed, breathless and completely at his mercy when he pulled away with a confused expression on his face. He looked like he wasn’t certain what he was doing. Like he wanted more but knew he shouldn’t. And then he did the worst thing he could possibly do.

He put distance between us and left me standing there, feeling completely exposed and vulnerable.

“I need to get a drink,” he muttered.

He needed an out. Why, I couldn’t say. Because he was still in love with Katherine? Maybe. Or was it because he thought I was really an escort. My heart fractured a little as I nodded and watched him walk away.

I walked back to the table and found Lily, who was drowning her own sorrows in a gin and tonic. Her boyfriend wasn’t able to make the wedding and wouldn’t be flying in for another two days. She told me weddings always reminded her of how badly she wanted her own.

I smiled and offered to drink our sorrows away together.

After about an hour and four drinks later, I felt a little better. Jameson still hadn’t made an appearance, and I’d done a rather good job of not thinking about him. But as my eyes wandered over the room, I couldn’t help but feel a stab of pain when I saw him. He was standing beside Katherine, and she was blatantly flirting with him. Her hand was on his tie, smoothing her fingers up and down as she looked up at him with big doe eyes.