“About what?” I asked.

Lleyton sighed. “Three years ago, Jameson and Katherine were dating. They’d been together since high school, and it was all but an arranged marriage between our parents. If they’d had it their way, the ink would have been dried on the marriage certificate the moment they turned eighteen.”

I frowned at this new development, not realizing exactly how serious it had been between them.

“So what happened?”

“Our father wanted both of his sons to follow in his footsteps. But that was never Jameson’s way. He’s always done his own thing, whether anyone approves or not. I admire him for that.”

Lleyton was quiet for a moment before he spoke again. “He doesn’t know it. He thinks that I’m the golden son because I do everything that’s been laid out for me. But I’ve always been jealous of Jameson. We’ve been rivals since we were kids.”

“Aren’t most brothers?” I asked lightheartedly.

Lleyton shook his head. “I don’t know. Jameson’s always been a bit of a lone wolf. He royally pissed off our father when he chose business school over med school. When he started up his company, he had to spend a lot of time in New York to get established. But he couldn’t take Katherine without marrying her first. He told her he just wanted to get things up off the ground because he knew her father wouldn’t approve otherwise. Kat’s dad also wasn’t too pleased in Jameson’s choice of career.”

“That seems kind of unfair,” I remarked. “He should be able to make his own career decisions.”

Lleyton just shrugged. “That’s the way it works in these kinds of circles. There are a lot of expectations that come with family names. But Jameson never fit the mold.”

“So is that why him and Katherine separated?” I asked. “I mean, he obviously ended up succeeding, so I don’t see why her parents wouldn’t approve.”

“No.” Lleyton grimaced. “It wasn’t that.”

He closed his eyes and made a face like he was steeling himself before explaining. “We were having our annual Christmas party that year, and Jameson was busy trying to make some new contacts. Katherine kept pouting and whining about how he was ignoring her. So I offered to take her mind off it. I snuck a couple bottles of champagne and we went out to the pool house.”

My entire spine stiffened as I braced myself for what he was about to say next. His voice was anguished, and the puzzle pieces were starting to fall into place.

“We got really drunk,” Lleyton explained. “And I know it’s not an excuse. But she practically threw herself at me. And I was thinking with my dick, not my head. Jesus, it was so stupid of me.”

“Oh my God, Lleyton.” My heart squeezed in my chest. I couldn’t even imagine the betrayal Jameson must have felt.

“He thinks I did it because of our rivalry. To prove a point. I honestly didn’t, but he’ll never believe that. He won’t forgive me, and I don’t blame him.”

“I’m so sorry,” I whispered. It was the only thing I could think to say.

“He thinks I went after her, but Katherine was the one who came onto me. I know it makes no difference, but he doesn’t see it that way. He thinks I ruined his relationship on purpose. But truthfully, I’ve wondered since then if I was the only one she did that kind of stuff with.”

I didn’t get a chance to answer him. Because a moment later, a strong pair of hands was ripping me out of his arms.

“Stay the hell away from my girlfriend,” Jameson slurred.

I stared up at him in shock, surprised by how drunk he was. Apparently when he said he was going to have a drink, he meant ten.

“Jameson,” Lleyton began…

“What’s the deal with you?” Jameson snapped. “One wasn’t enough? You want all of my sloppy seconds?”

His words hurt me, and I tore my eyes away as they filled with tears. Lleyton’s voice was filled with anger as he spoke again, and I knew people were starting to take notice.

“Don’t talk about Harper that way,” he growled. “Don’t punish her for my sins.”