But in my hurry to get away, I bumped into a decorative table I hadn’t seen and sent a vase flying to the floor in a spectacular crash.

“Shit.” I squeaked. That probably cost more than I made in a year.

Julia came around the corner with a worried expression that turned to pity when she saw me standing there.

“I’m so sorry.” I bent down and frantically tried to pick up the shards. There were tears streaming down my face, and I was humiliated.

Then to make matters worse, I sliced open my thumb.

“Oh, Harper.” Julia pulled me up from the floor and gathered me in her arms. “I’m so sorry. You heard all of that, didn’t you?”

I couldn’t exactly lie since I was standing so close. “I didn’t mean to,” I apologized. “I was looking for the library and got lost.”

She pulled the tea towel from her shoulder and wrapped it around my bleeding thumb. “Please don’t think badly of us,” she said solemnly. “Jameson’s sisters are all just very protective of him. And it would kill me if he left now. I don’t want this to ruin our time together, or my chance at getting to know you.”

She looked so apologetic I couldn’t help but put her at ease. I didn’t want to ruin her Christmas. And I wasn’t sure if I left if Jameson would too. It didn’t really seem like he wanted to be here though I couldn’t understand why.

“Why don’t we just pretend it never happened,” I suggested in a weak voice. “Jameson doesn’t need to know.”

Tears filled her eyes, and she hugged me once more before leading me towards the stairs. “I have a good feeling about you, Harper,” she said. “I can see why Jameson is so taken with you.”

Yeah, except he wasn’t.

“Let’s get you upstairs to get this cleaned up.”

I expected her to lead me to a bathroom so I could wash up, but instead she led me straight back to the room where Jameson and I were staying. I wanted to protest, but that might have sent up a red flag, so I kept my mouth shut.

She opened the door, and Jameson glanced up from his computer in surprise.


There was concern in his eyes, and I could only imagine what a mess my face was. Katia had put so much black makeup on my eyes I probably resembled a raccoon now.

“There was a little accident,” Julia said. “Harper has a cut.”

“What happened?” Jameson stood up and strode towards me.

“I knocked over a vase,” I said sheepishly. “And then tried to clean it up.”

“Well don’t just stand there,” Julia chided. “Take her to the bathroom and clean it up before it gets infected, Jameson.”

“Oh.” He blinked. “Of course. Come with me Harper.”

I followed dutifully, with Julia in my wake. If I didn’t know any better, she was getting a kick out of this.

She stood in the doorway and watched as Jameson gestured to the chaise. “Just sit there and I’ll get the supplies.”

I took a seat even though it was totally unnecessary. I could have cleaned it myself if they’d just told me where the Band-Aids were. Jameson kneeled before me and opened the bottle of peroxide, pouring it onto a cotton ball.

“This might sting a little.”

He pressed it to my cut and started cleaning with a gentleness that surprised me. I couldn’t stop my gaze from raking over his face, so close I could see the depths in his dark eyes. He was incredibly handsome. A well-defined jaw had just the lightest dusting of stubble to match his dark hair. It wasn’t overly perfect, but artful in that messy way. I wanted to run my fingers through it and feel the silky strands. But that would be totally inappropriate… of course.

“I raised my sons to take good care of their women,” Julia boasted proudly. “So if he isn’t taking care of you, you just let me know Harper and I’ll set him straight.”

“You have more than one son?” I asked.

Jameson stiffened, and belatedly I realized I’d screwed up. I was supposed to know this already.

“Didn’t you tell her about Lleyton?” Julia furrowed her brows.

“No, mom, I didn’t,” Jameson replied flatly.