A lazy

half smile curled one side of his mouth as he stood and took a step back. “For what?”

Striding forward, she closed the distance between them. Unable to resist touching him, she brushed the fingers of her non-injured arm down his shirt, still missing a few buttons from their afternoon lovemaking. He was so delicious, so tempting, she craved the taste of him on her lips. But she had to make him understand first.

“Making me see that it was time to let go. My whole life I've held on to things so tightly because I was too scared of letting go and losing everything. I never knew how freeing it was to just be.”

“Oh, let's see what else I can do.”

Her knees shook at the idea. Making fast work of his few remaining buttons, she stripped away the gray shirt, revealing the muscular chest first honed with two-a-days at football camp that he'd never lost in the years since. Her mouth watered at the sight of his defined abs and hard pecs. The pants fell next, a puddle on the floor in the blink of an eye. The fact he'd gone commando revived the lust momentarily sated by her earlier orgasm.

“You're amazing.” She relished his musky smell and ran her fingers down the dark happy trail. The moment she wrapped her hand around the base of his hard cock and stroked, he sucked in a sharp breath.

His hands went to her hair, entwining his fingers with her long brown strands. “Let's call it a tie.”

They lowered themselves onto the bed, scattering the overstuffed pillows, and sank into the plush comforter. Ready to explore every inch of him with her hands and tongue, she started at his broad shoulders, then licked her way south to lap at his flat nipples and trace the lines at the top of his six-pack. She stopped right above where his hard-on rested against his stomach and inhaled the warm, musky man scent of him.

Hank. For tonight, her Hank.

Skipping over the obvious target, she smiled at his frustrated groan. When she flattened her tongue and lapped at his balls, the sounds escaping his open mouth morphed into moans of encouragement. Gently, sucking them, she swirled her tongue around them as she once again stroked his straining dick.

“Beth, that feels so fucking good.” He squirmed on the bed, forcing her to release his balls.

Not content after how he'd tortured her, she drew his engorged head into her mouth, alternately sucking and licking her prize. Salty and smooth pre-cum covered her tongue like the sweetest nectar. He tasted like heaven. She buried her fingers in her wet pussy and took him in deeper until his cock pushed against the back of her throat. With deliberate care, he pumped in and out of her mouth, his hands holding her head steady. His cock pushed her lips farther apart as she opened to accommodate his girth.

The ache in her pussy couldn't be appeased by her fingers. She needed him inside her, filling her completely. His hands slid from her hair as she rose to her knees and rubbed her hands across her tits. A quick shake of her head and her hair fell in cascades across her shoulders. Spurred on by the desire blazing from his eyes and the lust burning inside her, Beth crawled up his body and lowered herself inch by wet inch onto him. She braced her hands on his stomach and adjusted to his size. Her muscles relaxed and she arched her back so his cock delved deeper. Clit nestled against his pelvic bone, Beth rode him as if she'd been made to do it.

His fingers bit into her hips and he met her every movement with a thrust of his own. “I love you, Beth.”

She missed a beat of their shared rhythm and held her breath, waiting for the panic, for the fear to rear up and swamp her. Instead, a new energy spread through her, more powerful than if she'd gobbled a mountain of chocolate-covered espresso beans. Goose bumps dotted her skin and a shiver nearly snapped her spine. Leaning forward, her nipples brushed against the course hair on Hank's chest and she claimed his mouth as only a true lover can.

“I love you, too. Always have. Always will.”

Picking up the rhythm again, their bodies, slick with sweat, came together. Hard and soft. Forward and retreat. Always moving toward fulfillment, toward bliss. It started in her toes, the throbbing radiating outward, encompassing her limbs. The orgasm slid up her back, surprising her with its suddenness. Her head snapped back and every muscle in her body locked as lightning flashed and thunder crashed inside her. With one final thrust, Hank came underneath her with a harsh groan.

Hank woke at peace with himself and the world.

Beth curled into his side, her face tucked into the hollow by his shoulder. Her breath came out in a steady rhythm and her eyes were closed, but something in the tension in her shoulders outed her as being awake, her troubled thoughts as obvious as if she spoke them aloud.

Postponing the discussion ahead, he closed his eyes and stroked her silky brown hair, smoothing it off her shoulders in an attempt to soothe her worries away. It had never been like this with Amanda. The future unfolded in his mind’s eye, their future, the picture so clear it seemed more memory than imagining. Just the two of them at first, then kids with the Layton hazel eyes and her warm brown skin. Family dinners. Coaching their sons’ Pop Warner football teams. Dancing in the living room while the kids slept.

He’d lived a lifetime with Beth before he opened his eyes and admired her naked body stretched out over his.


“Marry me, Beth.”

Her body went stiff.

“I mean it. You’re everything I want, everything I need.”

Tears wet his chest above his heart. “No.”

She pulled away from him, rolled over and lowered her legs off the bed. Shoulders shaking, she stayed there, not making a sound.

Blood rushed through his ears and his lungs ached from holding his breath. “Why?”

She didn’t move, but flighty energy pulsated off her naked form and he feared she’d disappear if he blinked. The longer she sat unresponsive and silent, the more his confusion built. It grew larger and more demanding until it burned inside him, becoming an inferno of anger.