Hank got out of the truck and strolled over to the passenger side, stopping next to her. At five feet, nine inches, she would fit perfectly against his taller frame. He had to stop himself from reaching out and pulling her to him. “Kiss me.”

Her mouth gaped open and she slammed the passenger door shut before marching up the short paved path to her porch, her sweet ass swinging the whole time.

Lust slammed into him, hardening his cock and threatening the zipper on his jeans.

She never said no to a dare.

“If you still only think of me in brotherly terms, I won't bother you again. Unless, of course, you’re chicken.”

She stopped with her back to him. “One kiss?”

“One little kiss.”

A fall breeze brushed the tips of her brown hair across her back and she straightened her shoulders. Spinning around, she made her way back to him with a fuck-you strut. Stopping just short of his feet, she dropped her gym bag. It hit the pavement with a thud, the whole world seeming to have gone silent around them.

“Let's get it over with.”

Something primal inside of him howled its approval. He wanted to devour her full lips then and there.

Stick to the plan, dude.

He held firm. Barely. “Okay, you can kiss me.”

“Wait a minute—”

“You're the one who says there's nothing between us, so I figure you should set the tone of the kiss. It's up to you to disprove my theory.”

“Of all the stupid things.” She huffed out a breath. “Fine.”

Hank held his breath, hoping all his bluster would pay off. God, this woman undid him.

She laid her soft hand against his chest. There was no way she could miss the hammering behind his ribs. Navy-blue nails shone bright against the red of his cotton shirt. Her shoulders twitched with a shiver. A flicker of doubt shook him. Maybe she'd ignored him after the party for a reason.

Then her lips touched his. Chocolate and caramel coffee teased his taste buds as their tongues twisted around each other. Lightning shot through his system, turning his muscles to steel. He clenched his hands to keep from filling them with her high, round ass and grinding her against his hard cock.

With a low moan, she pressed her body into his, rubbing her perfect, handful-sized tits across his chest. Her fingers curved around his head, tangled in his hair and severed the tenuous hold he had on his self-control. Like a starving man presented with a buffet, he feasted on the kiss. His hands roamed to the bottom of her soft wool sweater, snuck underneath the hem and caressed the soft skin above the low waist of her jeans.

Her vanilla perfume surrounded him as he lowered his mouth to taste the sweetness of her neck. He lost himself to the hungry lust streaming through his veins and the moaning woman in his arms. There was no street, no gawking neighbors, no one else in the world.

“Hank, stop.” Beth's breath brushed against his cheek.

More plea than demand, her words sliced through his euphoria. Unwilling to let her go yet, he lifted his head but kept his fingers tucked into her waistband. Still tasting her on his lips, he couldn't form any words.

A flush pinked her cheeks as she pursed her kiss-swollen lips. “So…that's…out of the way.”

Her hand shook when she patted him on the chest, her fingers lingering for a few seconds over his pounding heart. With a sigh, she pulled out of his embrace and trudged up to the house, never looking back.

She thought this was over? After a kiss like that? His balls couldn't be any bluer if they were made of blueberries. For a smart woman, she sure wasn't thinking straight.

“Like hell,” he growled.

Chapter Six

The cinnamon roll's gooey, sugary goodness melted on Beth's tongue and she closed her eyes to better savor the ecstasy. If this couldn't make a Monday better, she couldn't imagine what would. Margret Goodwin may be the biggest gossip in Dry Creek, but her divine baking ability made a visit to her shop a must.

“So where’d you disappear to during the party?” Claire asked.

Beth spotted the poof of Margret's frizzy platinum hair sticking up over the top of the half-full lemonade dispenser. Making eye contact with Claire, Beth shrugged a shoulder toward the counter at Margret's inept attempt at covert eavesdropping. The bell above the bakery's door jangled and Margret scurried away from her hiding spot to help the newcomer.