She regarded him silently, doubt still evident on her face. He grasped her hands in his, a now familiar electric current jolting him.

“There’s something between us, Claire. I don’t know what it is and I don’t know how long it’ll last, but I can’t deny it. I will find a way to protect you and the old man.”

She slid her hands out of his. “If you’re lying to me, I’ll make sure you live to regret it.”

He pulled her down to his lap, tension migrating from his chest farther south, to where her naked ass snuggled up against his crotch. “I’d expect nothing less.”

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The kiss’s intensity seared Claire’s lips. Her heart had already bought Jake’s explanation. Her head, on the other hand, stayed suspicious.

Brett had been good at spinning tales, too. The late-night calls were about business. The perfume that clung to his jacket had been from a friend who’d sprayed his coat in jest. How many times had he told her it was all in her head? Too many to count.

Jake’s arms tightened around her, bringing her back to the present. She broke the kiss. He wouldn’t hurt her. She didn’t have any proof. She didn’t understand how she could be so sure, but she was.

Together they’d find a way to make Burlington pay and trap the killer, but not right now. She had plans for the growing bulge in his jeans.

“You have too many clothes on.”

“I was thinking the same thing.”

She jumped off his lap and hopped up on the desk to enjoy the show. Anticipation tickled her skin. His fingers paused at his waistband. She sucked on her bottom lip, her gaze glued to the action.

“Um, I don’t suppose you have a condom?”

That drew her attention upward to his face. Claire mentally slapped herself. “No, but the Stop and Sip is around the corner.”

She looked around for her clothes. Now, where did her thong go? Why is it a girl can never find underwear at a time like this?

Jake held up the swath of green fabric and twirled it around on his finger like a Hula-Hoop.

“Very funny.” Claire yanked it from him. “Come on, we need to get there before the lunch rush. The last thing I need is Mary Beth Schneider to tell the whole town you and I bought condoms at the Stop and Sip.”

She slipped into her underwear and shimmied her dress back on. By the time she was finished, Jake had already buttoned his shirt and zipped his pants.

She hated to see that get put away.

“You really should at least come visit me in Denver. I could take you to a hockey game.”

Claire considered the situation. Funny, smart and hot as hell, Jake could make a girl delve into a long-distance relationship. An idea of life with him wormed its way into her thoughts. Hot sex. Cute kids. Growing old together.

But reality bitch-slapped the fantasy. He’d be gone soon. One night only. That was all her heart could take.



Quiet enveloped the room. Jake’s lips pressed together to form a hard, straight line. Claire couldn’t help herself; she lifted herself onto her tiptoes and softly kissed him.


“Will you stop saying that!” Claire slugged him in the shoulder and grabbed her purse. “Come on, we need to get moving.”

She pushed back all thoughts of a future with Jake as they hurried down the stairs. Eagerness propelled her down the stairs. She couldn’t wait to buy the condoms and take him home. What she wanted to do would take time and privacy.

“Come down for a bite before round two?”

Claire started. Her whole body tensed at the nasal tone—the same one she heard in her nightmares.