
“Honey, there isn’t a nutjob in the world who can take you down. You’re way too smart and stubborn for that.” Beth slung her arm around Claire’s shoulders and squeezed. “But Jake could really help. I know you want to do it all on your own, but no one ever does it completely alone.”

“I have you.” Claire rested her head on Beth’s shoulder.

“Yes, you do. But I’m a master of mental jujitsu.” Beth raised her mocha toward Jake. “I think super-stud over there probably knows the other kind.”

Claire contemplated Jake. Her body lusted after him and her dog trusted him. Beth probably was right. Maybe Jake was what she needed right now. A bodyguard with benefits.

Last night’s storm seemed like years ago. The sense of home she’d experienced wrapped in his arms was just a gauzy dream. In the light of day, the idea of no-strings-attached sex with Jake seemed possible.

She ignored the doubts. She could protect herself. He’d be leaving soon so her heart was safe.

Of course, first he had to tell her the truth about the phone and the flash drive.

“What are you plotting?” Beth seemed to always know when she was going to let her impulses guide her, which she admitted happened way too frequently.

Claire flipped down the car’s visor. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Checking her reflection in the mirror, she reapplied her lipstick.

A casual affair. Better yet, one time only. With the way he threw her mind and body into turmoil, she couldn’t be confident she could stay emotionally detached if it was more than once. She glanced at him. Anticipation sent a shiver down her spine.

Confident in her decision, she gave Beth a quick hug, grabbed her travel mug of coffee and stepped out of the car. Beth beeped her horn as she pulled onto Main Street.

Jake said nothing as she walked past. Fishing the keys out of her overloaded purse, she wondered if he’d ever open his mouth. She unlocked the door and turned to face him. His arms were folded across his chest, his legs outstretched and crossed at the unlaced ankles of his tan work boots. All he needed was a cowboy hat tipped down low over his face and

he’d be the epitome of nonchalance.

Yeah, right.

She nailed him with a glare. “You coming in or not?”

He smiled in response and ambled forward. Her gut sank to her toes. This might not have been such a good idea. Who was she fooling? Was it too late to take back the invitation?

Flustered, she whipped around and ran smack into the door. The emerging bump on her forehead throbbed, but her pride hurt more.

“You have the worst luck.” Jake’s breath fluttered by her ear as he spoke.

Claire shivered. His body heat seeped through to her back.

He reached past her and pushed the door open. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep watch on the door.”

Claire ignored him and strode into the darkened restaurant.

She loved the stillness of Harvest in the morning before the chef arrived, the food delivery guys dropped off their goods and the phone started ringing. This was her kingdom and she ruled it well. While many restaurants failed within the first twelve months, Harvest had netted a profit its first year. Not much of one, but it had been money in the bank.

On Mondays, Harvest stayed closed for business. Her routine dictated she’d spend the day buried in paperwork. Unlike other Monday mornings though, today she had a six-foot lightning rod of sexual energy zapping the calm.

“Well, if you’re staying, you might as well come on up to the office.” Claire added a little extra sway in her hips and ascended the staircase.

Jake admired the view as he followed Claire up the stairs. Damn. He needed to keep his thoughts on protecting her, but all he could think about was how much he wanted to touch her soft skin again.

She had on some sort of strappy dress that made a man fixate on the thin pieces of fabric on a woman’s shoulders. Or maybe it just made Jake obsess about the bright-red material highlighting Claire’s lightly freckled shoulders. The skirt swished as she climbed the stairs. Momentarily it clung to one side of her round ass before switching direction.

She stepped onto the landing and turned toward her office before he drank in his fill. Denied lust slammed into his gut and places lower as she disappeared into her office.

She was spunky and stubborn with a smart mouth, all wrapped up in a sexy package that he desperately craved. He wanted to bury himself deep inside her and feel her come around him. That vision in all its variations had kept him awake and hard most of the previous night.

“You okay?” Claire’s voice knocked him back to the present. “You look like you’re in pain. Headache? I have aspirin.”