“We need a monogram.” And maybe matching tattoos. Was it wrong that he wanted to mark her permanently as his? Too bad if it was, because that was just the kind of guy he was. Anyway, he knew the perfect Waterbury tattoo parlor to get it done. Now all he had to do was hatch a plan to get Everly to think it was her idea.

“I’ll just take your parking spot instead.”

“We do have an affinity for parking garages.” And getting naked in them. He had all the camera angles mapped out in the new building so he always knew the best spot to park in.

“I can’t help myself,” she said, her voice turning husky as she trailed her fingertips up his arm. “It reminds me of how all this started.”

“Believe me, I’m not complaining.” Never. Not a single quickie time.

“Well,” she said, her voice turning serious. “There are consequences for that kind of behavior.”

“Jail for public indecency?” He had money for bail, and causing a scene just didn’t seem to be a problem for him anymore.

She shook her head and then whispered in his ear. “Babies.”

His brain fizzled. Literally. He could smell the burned wires and hear the sizzle. He scrambled for something to say. Anything, and all that came out was, “When? How? Boy or girl?”

This time Everly’s laugh wasn’t quiet and everyone in the room turned to look. Not ready to share this bit of news, Tyler grabbed Everly’s hand and hustled her across the room and into Helene’s gourmet kitchen, which was as untouched as it was gorgeous. For once, though, he didn’t have eyes for the subzero refrigerator or the restaurant-quality gas stove. He couldn’t stop staring at his wife and her belly and her smile that went almost from one ear all the way over to the next. Baby. His baby. Their baby.

“As for when, about seven months,” Everly said, walking him through this

because she obviously knew just how much she’d blown his mind. “In answer to how, all I have to say is that you were there so I’m hoping you understand the mechanics of that. And when it comes to boy or girl, I want to wait until the baby’s born to find out.”

Wait and be surprised? It sounded…perfect. Pulling her into his arms, he kissed her with enough heat to remind them both of just how this baby thing had happened. When he finally broke the kiss, Everly’s lips were swollen and her eyes hazy while he was wondering just how soundproof the walk-in pantry was.

She raised her hands to cup his face, tears of joy balancing on her eyelids. “I love you, Tyler Jacobson.”

“And I love you.”

Today, tomorrow, forever, and definitely enough to sneak her out the service entrance at the back of the kitchen and down the elevator, because he was either getting her home to celebrate in private or they were going to christen a new parking garage. What could he say, he was a schemer. It was just that now his plots all centered on getting Everly naked and showing her just how much he loved her and always would.