Faith: What is wrong with your gender?

Fiona: Everything.

Fallon: What Fi said.

Ford: Some of us are too smart to go into burning buildings.

Finian: Good one. Like killer burn. Amazing. (Enough sarcasm in there Frankie?)

Frankie: Almost. He’s a cop, though, so you know he’s slow. A little more just to make sure he gets it.

Finian: Best, most amazing insult of all time.

Frankie: That’ll do it.

Ford: Fuck the lot o’ ya.

Fallon: Hello? Felicia. Broken heart. Giant asshole who needs his ass kicked. Any of this ringing a bell with you knuckleheads?

Fiona: Are we sure she even wants to unleash the full force of the Hartigans?

Fiona: Not one of you dipshits asked, did you?

Fiona: For the love of Mike. Don’t do a fucking thing. She’s a grown up. If she needs our help, she’ll ask for it.

Frankie: You’re so bossy.

Fiona: Pot? Kettle?

As much sorta twisted, miserable fun as it was being a fly on the wall for this sibling conversation, it was time to set them straight.

Felicia: Thanks, Fi and the rest of you, but I’ve got this.

Fallon: You didn’t start a new group text stream for this convo did you, Frankie boy?

Frankie: Whoops.

Faith: And to think the entire neighborhood still thinks the Hartigan brothers are the hottest. If they only knew what idiots you were.

Frankie: It’s not my brain they’re after.