Page 11 of Childstar 3

"Oh, so it's happened before?" Sammy quipped.

"They don't call my fans the Londonite Nation for nothing!" I turned to the crowd, who once again went wild. It felt like a baseball game in there. Finally, when they quieted down, Sammy continued.

"Yes, the Londonites almost broke Twitter last night with that promo photo. Let’s take a look one more time," he said, turning toward the screen that showed the promo photo of me bound in red rope with Noah standing right beside me pulling the binds tighter around my wrists, that goddamn wicked grin spread over his lips as he stared only at me. Meanwhile, it looked like I was having on an orgasm. Thinking back on it, I think I might have.

“Jesus Christ, Sinners Like Us is right,” Sammy said, whistling.

"Thank you?” I laughed. “Oh God. It’s so weird seeing photos like that posted all over the city.”

“Weird for you? I still remember you as that spunky girl with pigtails on Kid Genius.”

I was damn tired of hearing about Kid Genius. “What can I say? I grew up and changed the rating of my life.”

“And we love it!” another random guy yelled.

“That’s right, everyone. I mean, everyone is just dying for this movie to be released. I wanted to ask: what was it like on set the first day they asked you to do that?” he pointed back up at the photo.

“I was terrified. But being tied up by your boyfriend isn’t as bad as I thought it would be,” I said, winking at the camera knowing full well that Noah was watching somewhere. “Besides, Sinners Like Us is so much more than two lovers who enjoy rope play.”

"Since you brought up Noah," Sammy said. He wiggled his eyebrow.

"Oh, here it comes," I said, taking the mug left out for me.

"You know, I gotta ask, just for the poor saps at home and in this audience who have pictures of you taped up on their walls."

“Fine, fine. Ask.”

“You and Noah Sloan: is it the real deal, or is this just a stunt?”

“Sammy, this movie doesn’t need any more hype than it already has.”

“So it’s a yes.”

“It’s a hell yes. Sorry, ladies,” I replied. There was a mixture of sounds coming from the audience.

“So you guys came out as couple while filming, but you two dated once before, right? How did it happen again?”

On the screen was a photo of Noah and me as teenagers wearing matching denim outfits and blue shades.

“Ugh…” I groaned, putting my face in my hands and trying not to laugh while the audience cooed at us. Shaking my head, I went on. “We both were young, and it was our first time dating. We were going through our awkward years, as you can see, except we did it front of the whole world. But when you get to your twenties as a former child star, you’ve seen a lot. We both just reconnected, and there was no turning back.”

“There are rumors that things got very… heated on set. Was all of it just acting, or…?”

“I don’t know, Sammy. You’re just going to have watch the movie and let me know,” I responded coyly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Amelia London. Her new movie, Sinners like Us, comes out this December."

I smiled, standing as our interview ended. The light flashed red by the camera, signaling the commercial break.

"Thank you so much for coming on last minute," Sammy said as he shook my hand.

"No, thank you! It was a lot of fun," I replied with a smile, moving toward Austin and a few of my bodyguards off stage.

There was no time to chat. They just ushered me out the back door. Austin handed me my sunglasses, and I sighed, placing them on my face as they opened the door. Keeping my head down, I was basically surrounded by screaming fans as I headed into the car.

"We love you!"

"Just one picture!"