Page 24 of Childstar 3

“What’s most important is apologizing to the W.E.W.A. Do you have their number? I could call in myself on her behalf or maybe promise to come next year?”

“Amelia, I’m so shitty with these kind of things,” she whined, reminding me again that she was only nineteen. “You think you can hop on a jet to Chicago?”

“It’s in Chicago? I’m here.”

“What? I thought you and Noah said you’d be in New York.”

“Long story. Send me the address, okay?”

She let out a sigh of relief. “God, you are a lifesaver.”

“Don’t thank me. I’m going to have to think of a speech … or you guys could come up on stage with me—”

“What was that Amelia? Sorry, they’re asking us for help with … with some stuff … see you soon! Love you. Bye!”

Dial tone.

I stared at the phone for a second before falling back to the couch. Even from beyond the grave, Esther still knew how to make it about her during the worst possible fucking times.


The text read, “37th Williams Ave. Crown Rose Hotel.”

Come on, Amelia.

I pushed myself off the couch and moved to my suitcase, pulling out a simple black knee-length fitted cocktail dress and my makeup bag, heading over to the bathroom. I didn’t have time to doll up more than throwing on some red lipstick and reapplying eyeliner. I pinned my hair into a side bun updo and took off all but one of my bracelets and rings.

“Daniel?” I said into the phone when I entered living room with my heels.

“Yes, ma’am,” his dull, deep voice resounded.

“I needed to be at the Crown Rose Hotel right now. Do you think you can get me another car?”

“Mr. Sloan said to make sure—”

“I’ll repeat myself. I need to be at the Crown Rose Hotel.”



“I’ll get one now.”

“Thank you. I will be down in a few.” Hanging up, I sat down, applying lotion to my feet and legs before stepping back into the only pair of tan heels I had brought. Noah wanted to leave before I could really pack. I was lucky I even had a dress.

Thank you, Prada, I thought, closing the door behind me.

On the elevator, I thought about texting Noah, or at the very least Austin, but I had no idea what the hell could be going on with them. And right now, I needed to focus on honoring Esther, the woman I couldn’t even bear to call my mother anymore, for the Women Empowering Women Association.

The irony.

“Ms. London,” Daniel said, nodding as he waited in front of the hotel. Standing behind me, he led me out. To my relief, no press were here yet. I shivered as the wind blew right through me and all but jumped into the Escalade.

“We will be there in ten minutes,” he said.

“It’s that close?”

“Yes, ma’am.”