She launched herself into my arms. “Thank you! Oh my God! I’ve thought about dropping out, or getting a job or something. I was scared I was just chickening out of school, and I didn’t want to let you down. But I didn’t know what to do.”

“It’s only for year! And you must keep your grades up ‘til—” She kissed my cheek repeatedly.

“You are the best sister on Earth. I swear I’ll be the best aunt nanny in the world.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. I was her connection, because I could afford to take care of her no matter what. I didn’t want her to go through the motions in life. I didn’t want her to just be stuck. She should be free and passionate about something. If there was anyone in the world I could trust with my child, it was her.”

“You do know you have to tell DeShawn, right?”

She froze, and I picked up the remote.

“Good luck with that.”

Thank God I was done with the whole dating and trying to find myself thing. That shit sucked.



Watching as she explained every inch of Ulric's room for the third time, I could not help but feel a strange sense of déjà vu.

I'd been in this same exact situation … from a different angle. Instead of standing at the entrance of the door, patiently waiting as I was now, I'd once been in Selene's position. I'd once, not so long ago, held a newborn, Bellamy, staring at her mother, my sister, like she was a crazy person. We were leaving for one night. No, we weren't even leaving! We were going into the backyard, because she'd have a damn panic attack if we had to actually drive anywhere.

It was madness, and yet, if she wasn't the one doing it, I'd be double-checking that there were enough bottles.

“Do you need me to repeat anything?” Thea said, taking a deep breath as she turned to her sister, happily bouncing Ulric and wiping the bubbles he blew. “Selene?”


Why Selene? Why?

Thea's brown eyes widened, and Selene looked to me.

“I have him. I’ve downloaded the humidifier app, which, to be honest guys, really? An app.”

“He needs it on...”

“On setting three. Use the water bottles with the blue cap to refill it. He's eaten but will leave me with one great surprise in his diaper, and so you've laid out SIX new ones for me, along with his wipes, and butt powder...You've brought out four night outfits just in case...I don't know if he's the incredible hulk and rips them when he burps or something. His room is at room temperature in the house app that Levi put on my phone, which will let me know if it gets too warm. The alarm code is the first digit of all of your birthdays, but never fear if I forget there is also an alarm app on my phone too. But the best app of them all is the sock buddy. I take this little green sock and put it on his foot when he goes to sleep which make sure his heart rate is fine and he's breathing. I don't have to worry about walking up and down the stairs with him because gasp look there is a mini fridge in my room along with a microwave, so I don't have to go down stairs. Ulric, aren't we lucky huh, mommy and daddy set you up with the hover parents starter pack collection.” Selene continued, repeating everything Thea had outlined. In great detail.

Thea frowned, and I came over, putting my hands on her shoulders. "Okay. Okay. We're hovering away now. If you need us—”

“I won’t need you,” Selene butted in. “Now please, take my sister so she can enjoy what is left of her birthday."

I glanced at my watch. Shit.

“She’s right, let’s go.”

“Love you.” She kissed Ulric’s cheek.

“What about me?” Selene laughed.

“We’ll see after tonight,” Thea shot back.

“She loves you. I love you. And I love him. Come on.” I kissed the baby’s head and took Thea's hand.

“Have fun!”

Oh, I planned too.