His eyes widened. “How did you know?”


“Kidding.” He laughed kissing my cheek and handed me the folder.

Opening, I stared at the company letterhead on the folder before opening. I sifted through the papers before looking up to him.

“When you come back to work, you can’t come back empty handed, right?” He grinned at me and slowly as I began to realize the level of the case that was now in my hand, I began to grin as well.


“Everyone has been gunning for the chance to represent him. It’s not a freebie. It’s lunch with him and his agent. If you can sign him—”

“I’ll be a total bad ass.” I hugged it to my chest. “This is the best gift you’ve ever given me.”

He frowned. “You mean, outside of my love, my son, a diamond ring, this tree house—”

“Yeah. Yeah!” I cut in, laughing, still hugging the folder. “Outside of the obvious.”

He stared at me, waiting.


“My gift.”

I tried to be serious and stared back. “You mean, outside of already having my love, a son—”

“Yeah. Yeah. I saw you shove something into your purse before we left, so fork it over.”

Rolling my eyes, I got up and moved to pick up my bag from the maze of clothes on the ground. Lifting the file, I handed it to him.

“You got me a case too?” He opened it, pulling out the papers. He stared at it for so long I was sure it would melt under the intensity of his gaze. Without a word, he flipped to the next page. And the next. And the next. Until he came to the end and started chuckling.

Looking over at me, he shook his head and pulled me into his lap. Coughing once to clear his throat, he flipped to the first page and held it in front of me.

“And this is?” he asked.

“I’m sure you can read it—”

“Say it.”

Sighing, I nodded. “Application for our marriage license.”

“And this?”

“Applications to get my new driver’s license, social security card, passport. Also, my mail, insurance, doctor's notes, even voter registration.”


He was really milking this; “Because my name is Thea Black, and no longer Thea Cunning.”

“And this paper?”


“Out with it.”

“It’s our new joint bank account,” I answered.