“Poor thing, just try to remain calm. Rub her feet too—”

“Mom, I got it. Enjoy the New Year’s Party, and don’t worry about us, okay?”

“It’s not the same if you’re not here … all of you.”

“Next year, all of us will be—”

“Or he could just stay in for another full year. Who knows, maybe I’m a frilled shark.” She threw her arms up in frustration.

“A what?” I shouldn’t have asked, but apparently, I couldn’t help myself.

“Did you know a frilled shark stays pregnant for three and a half years. I didn’t, but since I was stuck in bed for a month, I got to learn all about them. For three years, they are stuck swimming about in the ocean, holding up to six kids in them. Meanwhile, the male sharks are just going about their lives. Sleeping in whatever comfortable position they want. Sneaking scotch when they don’t think anyone will notice…”

“Mom, I’m going to call you back,” I muttered into the phone, only to hear her laugh at me as I hung up.


“Nope. No. It’s fine. I understand you went out on business … cool.” She muttered rubbing her stomach.

At this point I was desperate, sitting back on the bed and putting my hand on her stomach. Trying not to smile when I felt him kick because I knew how much it hurt her but I couldn’t help it.

“Son,” I spoke to her stomach. “For the sake of my sanity, please—”

“Your sanity?”

“Would you like ice cream?” I cut in again; she crossed her arms and didn’t say anything.

Nodding, I got back up. “I’ll be right back.”

“Sprinkles on top!”

She didn’t have to remind me. In fact, it was hard to forget because it was all she wanted now. Vanilla ice cream with rainbow sparkles and hot chocolate. I was doing my best to be calm, but she was driving me up the damn wall. Everything I said bothered her. Everything around her annoyed her. I wanted to bang my head against the wall and beg for this kid to come out alright. And the doctors wouldn’t induce for another two days. Two days. Forty-eight hours. I could do this…


“I’M COMING!” I hollered back, grabbing the hot chocolate.




Everything fell out of my hands as a chill worked its way up my spine. Hearing her cry out again, I ran down the hall and up the stairs three at time before making it into the room, where she at on all fours, the water stain on the bed obvious as she gritted her teeth.

“You swear, what? AH … UH!” she cried, rocking back and forth. I just stood there. “LEVI!”

“Right! Right!” I said, rushing to grab the baby bag by the door, my keys, and wallet, while trying to think what else we needed. “Do I have everything?”

“No, me! You’re forgetting me!” she screamed, and I rushed beside her, helping her walk. “Ahh ow … it hurts … ughh!”

“AHHH!” I hissed as she grabbed my arm like she was trying to break it.

“Ohhh.” She exhaled, as did I.

“Come on.” I ushered her forward slowly, holding her tightly when we got to the steps. Why she’d gone upstairs today of all days was beyond me, but I couldn’t tell her that. Slowly, we walked and walked until we made it into the garage.

“AHH! Damn it!” she cried, reaching out to grab me again but I ducked rushing to throw the bag into the back and racing in front of the corner.