“Get what?” Levi and Walter both asked


I pointed to Levi, and then back to myself. “White. Black. What’s both black and white … the panda and Ulric.”

Levi made a O with his mouth as it dawned on him.

But Walter was even more lost. “But pandas are Asian.”

He said it so sincerely that I snorted, which one by one made them all laugh. Ulric just looked at us, unsure what was going on, but smiling anyway.

“Have you been getting any sleep?” Denise asked when we calmed down.

“Sleep? What is this magical thing she speaks of?” I looked to Levi.

“Don’t remember it well; it’s been so long,” he played along.

His parents shared a look.

“Go get some rest; we’ll watch him tonight, and leave in the morning.” Walter stepped up beside Denise.

“Are you sure—”

“Go. It’s only a one-night break, and then you must pay your dues like the rest of us,” Denise said, and Levi took my hand.

“Thank you, and holler if you need anything,” he said, already walking me out the door.


“Come on.” He lifted me into his arms.


“Are you sure it’s okay to just leave him with them?” she asked, staring at my parents on the video monitor.

“I’m sure,” I said, taking the tablet from her and putting it on my bedside table before lying down beside her. The moment my back met the bed, I sighed happily.

Until she reached over me for the damn tablet again. “But he could still be—”

Grabbing her wrist to stop her, I looked up at her beautiful brown face. “Love, when was the last time you and I just held each other and slept?”

She stared down for a second longer before laying back down. I pulled her close, so she was resting on me. We stayed like that for barely a second before she popped back up.

“Something is wrong—”

“Thea, he’s fine.”

“No.” She laughed at me before reaching down and taking off her shirt, then her bra. “Take off yours.”

She didn’t have to ask twice. I took it off quickly.

“Down, boy.” She laughed, snuggling against me. “Doctor said not for another week, but I just wanted to feel you.”

Disappointed, but understanding, I nodded. It didn’t take long before our legs became tangled, and our bodies pressed tightly together. Being this close and unable to have her, but also far too tired to even try was one level above screaming and crying babies in hell.

“Sorry for yelling at you earlier,” she whispered.
