
Crawling out of bed, I was disappointed that I couldn't be in court with him right now, especially after I had worked so hard on this case. But between all of his associates, and the media, there was simply not enough room inside that courtroom to fit all of us. We were students, so of course they had left us out of it.

Grabbing my shirt up off the ground, I put it on and headed downstairs.

“Levi,” I groaned, noticing that he had cleaned up the mess and made breakfast before going to court.

On the microwave he left another note:

Slightly burned French toast with bacon and no coffee. Still weird, but whatever.


He had remembered everything, but then again, I knew how he liked his breakfast too. Hearing my phone ring, I grabbed the glass of orange juice he’d left for me, before heading into the living room.

Reaching under the couch, I grabbed my phone.


“Are you watching?” Vivian asked me.

“Give me a second.” I searched for the remote.

“How are you not watching this already?” Atticus snapped.

I hadn’t realized they were both on the phone.

“I overslept.”

“You overslept? I’m not buying that—”

“Shh!” Vivian hushed us. “We should so be there, it isn’t fair.”

“How much work did you even do?” Atticus questioned.

“Well, with Thea coming in like a knight on a white horse all the time, who can do anything?”

“Damn, you somehow tricked us into being your backup singers, Thea.”

“I didn’t trick anyone. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to watch Professor Black kick ass, while I eat my breakfast,” I said as I hung up.

As much as I enjoyed their antics, I just didn’t have the energy this morning.

When I saw Mr. Nash’s daughter take the stand, I jumped onto the couch and turned up the volume.

“Ms. Nash, is it true that you left your family home a year ago?”

You son of a bitch, I grinned wildly. He was using my approach.

“Yes,” she answered into the microphone.


“I had a drug problem, and I decided to go to rehab.”

“No you didn’t!” I yelled at the television.

“And how did your father feel it about that?”