“That would make her feel worse. You should do it.” I forced a laugh. “She’s going to be fine.”

Why didn’t I believe myself?

“You better not pull any stunt like this, either of you. You’re always following her lead,” she pointed to the couple in front of us.

Selene nodded, as she lay her head against her boyfriend’s chest.

“I won’t let her,” he said to their grandmother, and she nodded.

When the doctor came out, none other than Dr. Sharpay London, she looked over us all. Her eyes fell on me in shock, before she smiled knowingly. “Are you all Thea Cunning’s family?”

“Yes,” her grandmother answered as I helped her up.

“The bullet struck her liver, causing her to go into hypovolemic shock due to the loss of blood, which in turn caused her heart to give out. But she’s in a stable condition now and is currently asleep. She will make it.” She smiled. “A nurse will take you in to see her soon.”

“Thank god,” Her grandmother said and I looked towards Sharpay. She smiled and nodded before she turned and walked back down the hall.

Taking a deep breath, I fell back onto the chair.

She was going to be fine.


“Urgh,” I groaned as I tried to force my eyes open. It was a lot harder than normal, and when I did, all I felt was pain.

What the hell had happened to me?

My eyes adjusted, and as I looked around, I noticed the IV drip in my arm and the heart rate monitor that stood beeping next to my bed.


I tried to move my hands, but looking down, I saw that Levi was there holding it. He was asleep, and dressed in a pair of scrubs. His hair was messy, and he had a thick layer of stubble under his chin. He looked beat down.

“You’re awake,” Selene smiled, as she came in with a pot of flowers.

She was wearing color! Not a single black item on her…

“What happened?”

“You thought you were superman, and threw yourself in front of a bullet,” she snapped at me, as she put the flowers down to give me a hug. “Don’t scare me like that. Grams is so angry with you.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, as my memories began flooding back to me.

She let go, and when she moved I noticed that Levi was now awake and sitting upright. He had a smile on his face with his arms crossed, half of his face was slightly red from sleeping on it, but I couldn’t care less. He just kept smiling at me and as he stood up, I took his hand and squeezed it tightly.

“I’ll give you guys a moment before I call Grams,” Selene said, as she kissed my cheek and left.

She looked so different now, like she had grown up overnight.

“Are you alright? The pain, I mean?” He sat beside me.

His caressed my cheek with the back of his hand and I found myself so overwhelmed with emotion that I couldn't speak, I just nodded.

“Good, because I’m livid with you Thea Cunning. How could you be so stupid? How could you do that?”

He kissed my forehead before cupping my cheek. I was trapped in his green eyes, unable to move.

“I thought you were dead,” he whispered, as a tear dropped from his face onto mine.