Not just any dresses… dresses that I could not even fathom buying. When Levi had asked if I had any Armani or Gabbana dresses laying around, I thought he was crazy. I even later Googled how much those gown would cost and the cheapest one was almost four thousand dollars? Who would have those just ‘laying around’?

Apparently his little sister.

“My mother bought me dresses all year round before I got married in the hopes of classing me up. I just don’t have the heart to tell her that I’ve never worn any of them. Thank God you have boobs, or none of these would fit.”

These look like they cost much more than four thousand dollars…

“Bethan I can’t—”

“Levi said you’d be difficult,” she sighed. “He also said to remind you that have no other choice and to say…” She pulled out her phone from her pocket, “…would you really want to miss an event where all of your classmates will be trying to make a name for themselves?”

“Levi,” I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose, a habit that I had only recently acquired from a certain someone.

“He’s in love, it’s kind of cute,” she laughed and my eyes widened at the word… unfortunately, she noticed. “Oh, you guys haven’t dropped the L word yet.”

I was going to have to get better at controlling my facial expressions.

“No did he say—”

“No, I just guessed. He’s just really happy. I don’t remember him being like this with his ex-wife. Which is why I just had to meet you.”


What did she think so far?

“If you aren’t serious, don’t stay,” she said earnestly as she stood directly in front of me. “You’re beautiful, smart enough to get into Harvard Law, and earn his respect. He wouldn’t keep you as a student just because he was attracted to you. He’s serious about that sort of thing.

“Tristan told me he tried putting you through the wringer and you still fought to make it. So you’re strong to boot. Levi doesn’t have a chance in hell. He will stay with you to the end of time and back, it’s just the type of guy he is… until he gets hurt.”

“Like with his ex-wife.”

She nodded. “He wasn’t perfect, no guy really is. But what she did to him crushed him. So, if you aren’t serious… if you can’t fight for him as much as he’d fight for you, then please end it before he gets in any deeper.”

“I’m in deep too,” I muttered, the back of my throat dry. “I’ve been with a lot of guys. More than I’m proud of, really. Black, white, it doesn’t matter. They come, we have a good time, they go, and I move on. But with Levi, it’s like I’m rooted to the ground, and those roots grow stronger and deeper with each passing day.

“I don’t know what will happen in the future, but I want to fight for him. Which is why I need a dress, because even if your parents don’t yet know that we’re together, I still want to make a good first impression. I want them to like me.”

She grabbed a dress off one of the many racks. “Then let’s get started. When you walk into the room, no one will be able to forget you.”

I liked her.



Checking my watch for what had to be the tenth time that night, I found myself unable to contain my excitement. It was 9:30 p.m. All of my students were here, with the exception of Thea. Apparently, she had to go home for something and would take a taxi.

Five hours is more than enough, my ass.

She took forever in the morning. I could make a full breakfast, write a few emails and be on my second cup of coffee by the time she came downstairs. Yes, she looked beautiful, and yes I appreciated the amount of effort she put into beautifying herself for me, but some days it annoyed me to no end.

But then again, if she was perfect, that would tick me off more.

“You look tense,” Tristan said as he came over to me with a glass of champagne.

In his other hand, he held the handle for his sliver masquerade mask. Bethan was off making the rounds with their daughter.

“I’m fine.”