“Why would I bother answering you, if I knew that we would be having this argument anyways? Besides, Beth, Bethan, Bethany, does it matter?”

“Just because you’re named after jeans, doesn’t

mean you have to take it out on the rest of us with normal names.”

“Ha!” I snickered out loud. They both turned to stare at me and I quickly shut my mouth. “It was kind of funny,” I shrugged and smiled.

She grinned. “See? Not nervous anymore.”

Levi smirked as well, and they did a little fist bump.

“Annoying, isn’t it?” Tristan sighed, as he bounced a big-cheeked little girl in his arms. “They play fight like that all the time.”

Bethan walked over, wiping the drool off her daughter’s cheek. “We used to do it at parties when we were younger so that our parents would send us to our rooms early. Sorry about the place, it’s a little bit of a mess,” she said, motioning around the room. “This little one doesn’t give anyone a break.”

“Er—It’s nice to meet you, I’m Thea.”

“You ready to go?” Tristan asked as he nodded to Levi.

“Go?” I turned to him.

He nodded, “Tristan, Little Bellamy, and I, are heading out to give you both time to get ready. If you need me for anything, call.”

“Don’t worry, everything will be fine, you guys get going,” Bethan said, as she pulled me to her side before I could say another word.

He came over to me and kissed my cheek.

“Aww…” Tristan and Bethan said at the same time, and he glared at them.

“Bye,” he whispered to me.


Neither of us moved.

“Seriously? This isn’t the Titanic, you’ll see each other again,” Bethan said to us.

Levi finally managed to break away from me, and headed to the door, with Tristan and Bellamy in tow.

“Anything she says about me is a half-truth,” he added before Tristan pushed him out.

“Jeez, I’ve never seen him so attached to anyone,” she said as she exhaled deeply. Turning to me, she stretched out her hand and smiled warmly. “It’s so nice to officially meet you Thea. I hope we haven’t freaked you out too much.”

“No. It’s… you’re so lively, it's nice.”

“Some people say crazy, but thank you. Would you like some wine?”


“No, I’d rather not get buzzed before the party tonight.”

“Oh, then we’re completely different. I can only get through these things if I’m buzzed.” She grabbed a bottle from her kitchen before walking towards the back of her condo. “The dresses are back here,” she called.

The whole living room floor was covered with toys and baby items, but once we got to the hallway, I finally began to see how nice her place was. She had framed records of everything from the Beatles, to Led Zeppelin on her walls like photographs.

“Nice music,” I said when we stopped at the door.

“Thanks, I’m sort of a fanatic… here we are, the room of dresses past,” she said as she opened the door to a bedroom now doubling as a closet full of beautiful gowns.