“Mom, I’m busy.”

“With what? Your case is over. Congratulations by the way, since you didn’t even bother to call home. This family has never missed a New Year’s Eve together, and I’m not having it now.”


“Please,” she pleaded softly, and I ran my hands through my hair in frustration.

Going meant I had to leave Thea, and I didn’t want to, especially not at the start of the New Year. I had planned for us to be in bed, wrapped up in each other’s arms when the countdown began, not at a party.

“Son.” all of sudden my father voice was in my ear.

“Seriously? She gave the phone to you? What am I, twelve?”

“Who is she?” he asked, and I froze.


“You’ve never missed a family New Year’s, not even when you had upcoming cases. There can only be one reason. So, who’s the lucky lady?”

I wanted to tell him, just not yet.

“Dad, give the phone back to mom.”

“Fine. Fine. But you can’t keep her a secret forever, your mom will sniff her out.”

“There is no lady. I’m taking my students out.”

What the hell? Was that the best I could do?

“Really?” my mother asked, as she took back the phone. “That’s great hon, bring them along, I would love to meet them all.”

“Mom—” I whined.

“Make sure you let them know it’s a masquerade ball.”

And with that, she hung up.

“God damn it!” I shouted to the dead line.

“Is everything alright?” Thea asked, rubbing her eyes as she came into the living room.

“I somehow managed to invite the entire class to my mother’s New Year’s Eve party.”

Moving into the kitchen, I searched for something to drink. I listened as her feet marched against the floor, rushing towards me.

“Tell me you’re joking!”

“I wish!”

I poured the wine she brought.


“My mother wanted me to come home. I lied and told her that I would be spending time with my students. Next thing I know, she invited everyone. Which means that I need to write an email to the class, and you need a dress,” I said as I poured her a glass.

She didn’t say anything, and I could see her mind turning a thousand miles a minute.

“The place will be packed and everyone will be drinking. No one will be thinking about us…” I said, trying to reassure her and alleviate any anxiety that was surely building.