He jumped and I shut my eyes.

“We’re still alive,” he snickered.

He put me down, and my legs wobbled and slid apart, forcing me to grab onto him once more.

“Yep, this is not going to work.”

“Thea Cunning, quitting? Blasphemy,” he joked. “Come on, just hold on to me, and we’ll take it slow.”

“Where did you learn to skate?” I asked, trying to distract myself as we started moving once more.

“Hockey. The only time I ever got on the ice was to make sure someone else fell off.”

That’s reassuring!

“Aren’t you supposed to be more focused on scoring, instead of knocking people over?”

“We were little boys, it was fun knocking the guys around like we saw on TV. I lost my first tooth that way too.”

Why didn’t any of this surprise me?

“You’re doing it again,” he said to me.


“Look down, you aren’t wobbling anymore. You were just over thinking it.”

Sure enough, my legs were straight.

I grinned. “Yeah. I guess you were right.”

“So, can I let go?”

“No!” I shrieked, as I grabbed onto him in a panic.

My legs slid forward and slipped out beneath me, and as I fell onto the ice, I dragged him down with me.

“Ah!” he grunted, laying in a crumpled pile with me on top. “Thea, Thea, Thea.”


“I’m going to have to let go, or you will never learn,” he said solemnly, as he stared up at me.

“Worse comes to worse, you’ll be stuck holding on to me forever.”

He thought about for a moment before kissing my nose. “Good point.”

Yeah, I didn’t mind that either.



I was so damn sore.

Note to self: never teach anyone to ice skate ever again.

“Levi, you can’t miss New Year’s Eve too,” my mother declared over the phone, and I stepped out of the room, closing the door behind me.