Christmas carols played on the radio, but neither of us was listening. His hand felt like it was burning its way through my jeans and he was actually touching my skin.

“Thea,” he said softly, as the car stopped.

Turning back to him, he kissed me, cupping the side of my face. He gently sucked my bottom lip, and I opened my mouth for him in response. He deepened our kiss for only a moment, before the deafening sound of a car horn behind us drew us out of our bubble. Grunting in frustration, he broke away from me. Suddenly the inside of the car felt as though it were a hundred degrees. Taking deep breath, I took off my scarf and turned down the heat by the time he started driving again.

He didn’t say anything, he just shifted in his chair and I could see why. At least it wasn’t only me.

“Why are we like this?” I laughed.

He smirked as he glanced at me, and then back at the road.

“Good things come too rarely for either of us to question it.”

I was a good thing.


I still don’t know what it was about her that turned me on so much. Yes, she was beautiful, smart, dedicated, loyal, funny, and so fucking sexy…

Well then, maybe I did know.

But it was like everything about her affected me. She didn’t even have to do anything. Just watching her paint her nails got me hard. It was the lust between us that had brought us together in the first place, but with time even lust fades. Being married once, I remembered the first few weeks being filled with lust, but after sometime, that faded. We were childhood friends. We hadn’t got married because we were passionately in love but because everyone expected it from us. I felt fine around her. It felt like it made sense back then. But looking back on it we were always better off as friends.

With Thea, everything was so different. I felt like for the first time someone had given me glasses. No longer was the world a blur. I could see so clearly I wondered how I ever lived so blindly before. I was well aware that she was thirteen years younger than me, but even that didn’t seem like a good explanation. We were magnets to each other, and once we were close enough, we couldn’t help but get stuck together. I was captivated by her.

“Wow,” she whispered, as we pulled up to the cabin, “it’s beautiful.”

Turning off the engine, I sat back and watched as she looked around in amazement.

“Why don’t we get stuck in here for a while?”

She nodded, and I reached across her, searching for the lever that would allow her to recline in the seat. We were so close that our noses almost touched, and then I found the lever and pushed back her chair until it was flat. Doing the same to mine, we both lay there gazing at the night sky through the sunroof.

“The stars are so beautiful here. You can never see them like this in the city,” she mused.

“There’s going to be a meteor shower tonight,” I told her, taking her hand in mine.

“Wait,” she said as she drew her hand back. Pulling off her gloves, she slipped her warm hand back into my own. We lay like that, each in our own seats, holding hands and gazing at the stars above.

The silence settled and it was comforting. Suddenly a low, gurgling growl echoed through the car, and with a laugh, I turned to her and asked, “Where are those chips again?”

“It doesn’t seem so silly now does it?” she chuckled.

Rolling my eyes, I sat up and reached into the backseat, searching for her little bag of munchies.

“Levi!” she gasped, pointing as she caught sight of the tail end of a shooting star.

The sky was still for a moment before one another shot across, and then another until it looked as though it was raining streaks of white light.

“Wow,” I murmured, falling back against my seat.

“How many wishes do you think we can get out of this?” she asked, but I couldn’t tear my eyes way from the sky.

“How many wishes do you need?”


That got my attention, and I turned my head to look at her, but she didn’t look away from the sky.