“Like any father would, he was angry and disappointed. He cut me off.”

“So then how did you pay for rehab?”

“I stole some of their jewelry. But I called him later about it, and told I him what it was for.”

Damn it, the prosecution was making her go with some version of the truth. Mr. Nash’s daughter was the only person we could serve up as with a solid enough motive to want her father dead.

“And you were you there for the whole year?”


“Where was the rehab you attended located?”

“West Seneca.”

“And you—”

“Objection your honor; is Ms. Nash on trial here?” the prosecutor asked as he stood up to face the judge.

Levi turned to him and raised his eyebrow. Strangely enough, he looked pleased.

“Your honor, I just want know whether or not Ms. Nash is in the right frame of mind to be on the stand, after years of substance abuse.”

“I’ll allow it.”

“Thank you, your honor. I’m sorry, where did you say your rehab was located Ms. Nash?”

“Seneca Falls.”


“Seneca Falls or West Seneca Ms. Nash? Those are two different places, about two hours apart.”

“I mean West Seneca—”

“But the rehabilitation centers in West Seneca are charity owned and run. Where did you spend the two hundred thousand? Are you sure it wasn’t in Seneca Falls?”

“Yes, I meant Seneca Falls, I’m sorry.”

“Ms. Nash, you do know that lying on the stand is a criminal offence right?”

He had her.


“Ms. Nash, you couldn’t have been in West Seneca, and you couldn’t have been in Seneca Falls, because their program only runs for 160 days. So where were you?”


“Did you actually go to rehab?”

She faltered, then went red. “I plead the fifth.”

Levi went on as though she had actually answered, “So, if you weren’t in rehab, then where did the money go?”

“I plead the fi
