“Now I know your age, height, date of birth—?” she taunted, “What if I’m some kind of crazy stalker?”

“I’m a lawyer,” I told her. “I can get a restraining order if needed.”

“Ooh, a lawyer,” she said, not sounding the least bit impressed as she sat up and wrapped a sheet around herself, much to my disappointment.

“Most women find that highly impressive.”

“I guess it’s okay, but I prefer brain surgeons,” she said with a wink as she rose out of bed.

“Where are you going?”

/> “I’m going to heat up some pizza, I’m starving!”

“I’ll go with you,” I said as I stood up. I grabbed my boxers as she took one of my shirts to wear. “Must you look sexy in everything?”

“That’s the hunger talking, come on.” she laughed, taking my hand.

I like the way she laughed. She did it so easily, as if she didn’t have a care in the world.

“Shadow! No!” she screamed, as she rushed forward to chase away her cat who was busy getting itself drunk off of the wine we’d spilled on the ground.

The brown and white cat tried to run away from her, but she caught it, and moved it over to the water bowl.

“Sorry about that,” she said, looking up at me.

“It’s fine,” I said, as I bent and began picking up the broken shards of glass. She knelt beside me and wiped up the rest of the wine.

“Sorry about the wine as well. You said it was your favorite?”

“It’s not really. I lied because I ripped your shirt,” I said, nodding to the yellow top that lay on the ground, along with the rest of her clothes that were scattered all around.

“Well, I’m just going to have to keep your shirt as compensation then,” she sniffed.

“You look better in it anyway.”

Shaking her head at me, we dumped the glass shards into the bin. Trying my best not to stare at her, I looked around her kitchen. It was a little outdated, but still nice. Wait—

“Thea? How are you going to heat up the pizza without a microwave?”

Her eyes went wide as she looked around. “Damn it, I left it in one of the boxes.”

“Then what have you been eating all this time?”

“Cereal and take out?”

I tried not to laugh at the look on her face.

“Hey, give me a break, I just moved.”

“No judgment,” I lied.


“Come on, let’s search for your microwave.”

“It’s okay, we can use the oven.”

“True. But then you still won’t have a microwave to use next time. Now, where are the boxes?”