Just the mere sight of them caused something deep within me to awaken, and as I felt the texture of the material against my fingertips, I could feel myself growing hard.

What sort of a mess had I gone and gotten myself into?



D A Y 2


Brushing my teeth for what had to be the eighth time, I spun around, observing myself in the mirror, and dusting off the yellow button down shirt, and black skirt that I’d decided to wear.

I was so excited that I was shaking.

I was twenty-three, damn it. I should be past shaking like a schoolgirl at the thought of a guy coming over.

It seemed that no matter what I tried on, nothing looked good enough. My hair didn't look right, and I felt like if I ate or drank anything, I would need to brush teeth again. Plus, I was sure that I’d gained weight.

Get it together Thea. It’s not like you both haven’t done this already. Your clothes are fine. Your hair looks nice. And you’ve only gained a pound but that could just be stress…Right?

“I should change,” I said to my reflection, as I turned and moved over to the closet. Before I could give my appearance another thought, the doorbell rang.


Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to not give in to my absurd urge to bolt down the stairs. Pausing, I looked myself over in the mirror that stood in the entryway, and I rubbed my finger over my teeth relishing the clean squeak they gave off. Eighth time’s the charm, I supposed. Then, taking a deep breath, I opened the door to what would prove to be the most pleasurable week of my life.

“Wow,” he whispered.

“Now that’s how you say hello.” I beamed, taking in the sight of him. He wore a pair of casual, dark jeans and a blazer. His hands were behind his back and he rocked back and forth on his toes, grinning mischievously. I suspected that he was hiding something behind his back, but before I could question him about it, his grin widened as he brought forward a chilled bottle of wine for my inspection.

“You didn’t have to bring anything,” I told him, as I took the bottle from his hands.

“What type of house guest would I be if I showed up with empty hands? Besides, you just moved in, right?” he asked, as I made room for him to enter.

“Yeah. I moved most of boxes into the other rooms. It was just too much for me to sort through alone.”

“If you need help, I’m great with a box cutter—shit, that sounded awful…”

I laughed, I couldn’t help it. One moment he was overtly sexual, and the next, he

was so cute and sweet, that it was hard to believe.

“It’s fine,” I told him. “Have you eaten? I ordered pizza because I felt that making dinner would be a little too—” I paused and made a face.

“Too relationship—y?” he finished with a grin. “Pizza’s good.”

Nodding, I headed for the kitchen, and he followed. I handed him a wine opener from one of the drawers, and turned around to reach up for the plates I had unpacked just this afternoon.

“Glasses?” he asked. “Or do you want to drink out of the bottle?”

“I’d say bottle, but I wouldn’t want you to judge me, or get any ideas about the kind of girl I am,” I teased.

“Honesty. I like that in a woman,” he said, taking a swig before handing the bottle to me.

“Then let’s get real honest,” I said with a grin as I swallowed a mouthful of wine. “Do you really want to eat pizza right now?”

“Not even a little bit,” he muttered.