She kissed me back, forgetting herself and her purpose for a brief moment. Then she stepped back and pressed her fingertips against my lips.

“I’m serious Levi, why haven’t you asked me to marry you?”

“You’ve never brought up marriage once before. It took you months and a bullet to get you to finally admit that you loved me.”

“I say it now!” She frowned at me.

I tried to kiss her again, but she wouldn’t let me.

“You are twenty-six years old. You have a good ten years before you should be freaking out about marriage.”

“What about you?”

“I’m a guy.”



That wasn’t even a real word.

She rolled her eyes at me.

“Urgh! I can’t talk to you like this.” She climbed out of the shower. “I have no idea how we are going to have a child, when you’re still one yourself!”

“Whatever—” I said, turning back to the shower.

Then I paused, as her last statement echoed through my mind.

“Wait, what?”

Grabbing a towel, I jumped out of the shower and dashed into our room where she was angrily yanking drawers open and slamming them shut.

“What did you say?”

“I called you a child, now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get ready for our dinner.”

She tried to go into the closet, but I followed her in. Grabbing one of my sneakers, I pulled out the small teal box and placed it in her hand.

“I bought you this a month after we got your father out of jail… with his blessings, as well as blessings from your sister, and your Grams.

“I told them that I was going to wait until you graduated because I didn’t want you to feel pressured, and I didn’t want you to try planning our wedding while you were still in school. But most of all, I wanted to make sure that when we got married, it was something you truly wanted. So I told myself to wait, you were with me, you were alive, and I could wait.”

She opened the box and a wide grin spread across her face as she stared at the teardrop shaped diamond.

“Now, would you like me to tell you how I had planned to propose, or are you going to tell me what it was that you just said?”

“This a good ring,” she said, changing the subject.

“It’s your dream ring. I spoke to Selene about it before I bought it. Now, out with it.”

“Don’t look at me like that! I’ve been dropping hints all week!”

“No you haven’t.”

She looked at me like I was insane.

“Levi there are baby books in your study!”