“No,” I said, as I snatched it back from her.

“How will you get it back to him?”

“I’ll mail it.”

“You know his address!”

“Selene, I swear if you don't stop, I’ll make you walk home,” I told her.

“Ooh, I’m so scared!”

Little sisters, no matter what anyone tells you, they are a pain in the ass.

“Whatever, I’m happy for you,” she muttered, leaning back into her seat and staring out the window. “I hate this place, and I know you hate it too. But you’re forcing yourself to be here, so if something good comes out of it, at least it wouldn’t have been a complete waste.”

“Selene, you didn’t have to come back here. You could have stayed with Grams and finished high school—”

“We’re a team, remember?” She smiled, but her smile didn’t reach her eyes. “Where you go, I go. Sorry it took me so long to come, but I was waiting for—”

She was waiting for our mother to die.

“It’s fine,” I told her. “She was bedridden for most of it, and I didn’t want you to have to see her like that anyways.”

That was a lie. The truth of the matter was that I did want her here, but it wasn’t only for our mother’s sake, but for her own… so she could finally let go of everything and move on. So she could have some closure. B

ut no matter how many times I told her that the cancer had spread, or that mother’s condition was worsening, she didn't seem to care.

“Yeah, well, I’m still sorry.”

“Every time I start to think you’re a pain in the ass, you always act so sweet, even if you do look like Marilyn Manson.”

“Shut up!” she squealed, and punched me playfully.

We both laughed. It was our thing.


“Can you repeat that again?” Tristan asked over the phone, as I headed into my office.

“You know the woman I picked up from the bar? Turns out she’s a law student… one of my law students.”

I fell back into my chair.

Why God, why?

“Are you laughing, you prick?” I snapped.

“Come on man, give me a break!” he chuckled, “The great, straight laced, Levi Black has finally slipped up, and has ventured over to the dark side. And you’ve always been so careful. How did that not come up once during the whole week you were together? Didn’t you guys talk at all?”

“We were preoccupied—”

“For 168 hours? And you’re still alive? How?”

“Why am I talking to you?” I grumbled.

“Because I’m the person that will judge you the least. Just wait until I tell Bethan how her big brother isn’t so righteous anymore,” he teased.

“I hate you. I truly hate you,” I muttered, pitching the bridge of my noise.