“I’m not treating you differently,” she said.

“I wasn’t thinking that,” I lied.

“You know that thing that Levi does where he looks into your pretty brown eyes, and all of sudden knows all your thoughts? Yeah, well, I taught him that.” She winked, walking around me.

“Why do you always smile when I walk by?”

She paused. Tilting her head to the side, her eyes crinkled as she smiled.

“Do I? I honestly didn’t notice. Seeing the way you and he dance around each other reminds me of the time when I was my husband’s secretary. It’s like a déjà vu for me. You should forget the coffee and run back now… Raymond always messes with one of you...” she added the last bit, and took her leave.


Dashing out of the room, and back to the conference room I found that both Atticus and Vivian were gone.

What the hell?

“I only count eleven?” someone said from inside Levi’s office, and I couldn’t see because of the wall the camera crew made spilling out into the hall.

Shit. Think Thea.

I couldn’t go in there late without anything, he was going to chew me out in front of everyone.

“You’re in trouble,” Tristan grinned stepping up right next to me.

“It’s your fault. I thought we had a deal. I’m never getting coffee ever again.”

“The deal was to help you help Levi win the Nash case.”

I hate lawyers.

“I still have the guyliner card.”

“It’s your word against mine, and you better hurry up before you miss out big. I doubt they will start over because of you.” He lifted up a folder. “Then again, this could save your ass.”

He was enjoying this.

“What do you want?”

“Babysitting, this Friday.”


“And Saturday.”

Goddamn him.

I snatched the file from him and I read it over quickly to see what was in it.

“Fine,” I said, before I took off running full speed towards the office.

“I’m sorry, I’m here,” I said, moving through the crowd to where Levi stood at his window with the rest of the students behind him for a photo.

He looked at me and I could just feel the lecture coming.

“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t aware we had time for photos, Professor Black. I spotted this and thought you might need it.” I handed it to him.

He took it, reading it over. “We will discuss this later.”