Stepping over to the side of the desk, I moved to touch her hair, and with

lightning speed, she slapped my hand away like a fly. “If you don’t like it, don’t fucking touch it,” she sneered at me.

“I love your hair. I just hate it when you cut it.”

She rolled her eyes at me. “It’s still past my shoulders.”

“Barely,” I pouted before drinking.

She sighed. “Did you come in here to annoy me?”

“Yes,” I smiled. “But you were already annoyed when I got here, so now I’m curious who's been irritating my wife in my place.”

“You have three children, Liam, when do you plan on not being a child yourself?”

“Ah, so it’s the children annoying you?” I asked, ignoring her comment before shaking my head. “No, even when they drive you close to insanity, you don’t have that look in your eyes.”

“And what look is that, Obi-Wan Kenobi?”

I grinned like a mad man on laughing gas, placing my hand over my heart.

“What?” she snapped at me.

“After all these years and so much effort, you’ve finally joined me on the dark side…get it? Dark side? Star Wars—”

“I will shoot you,” she snapped.

“You do know that threat becomes less menacing each time you shoot me.” I replied with a slight smile.

“How about you stop making me threaten you?”

“How about you just tell me what’s wrong the first time I ask?”

“How about listening when I say nothing is wrong?” I could tell from the look in her eyes she was bothered.

“So, nothing is wrong?”

“That’s what I said.”

“So why were you glaring at the walls?”

“I wasn’t glaring.”

“You were glaring. I know, I saw you; you didn’t see yourself.”

She exhaled. “Liam, I was just thinking.”


“Must I share all my thoughts with you?”

“No, but it would be so fucking helpful, baby.” I winked and prepared to duck just in case.

“You aren’t going to leave me alone until you find out, are you?” she questioned.

I lifted my glass to her. “Bingo.”

She huffed. “Of all the men in the world I could have I ended up with…I got you.”