And when I looked up, the deep thoughts, unphased attitude, even his concern were gone. His nostrils flared, and his mouth parted and then closed as he cursed more and thrust deeper into my throat. I could feel his control slipping, and squeezed slightly, slowing down to get him there. And it worked. With his hands on my head, he stood and proceeded to fuck my mouth. His eyes and head pulled back as he gave in to his lust and pleasure, ramming himself into my mouth over and over again. His grip on my hair tightening, as he made sure he came. I swallowed every drop of him. It was warm as it filled my mouth, but I didn’t back away.

“Dammit,” he cursed, and he fell onto the bed.

Grinning, I wiped the corner of the mouth, letting go of him. “Still have a headache?”

He pulled me onto the bed next to him and pinned me down. Ignoring the pain that shot through me because I didn’t want him to stop, he pulled down my pants, quickly spreading my legs wide.

“Let’s see if this helps you get some sleep,” he replied, putting his lips on my pussy, and this time, I shuddered, and he licked deep inside of me, rubbing my clit slowly as he did. It made my toes curl and my mouth open.

“Ethan!” I gasped when his tongue entered me.

All of me felt as though it was heating up. All of me felt as if I were being lifted off the bed. My vision blurred as Ethan added a finger…then another and another. Biting my lip, I tried to slow my breathing, the longer he went, eating as if I were his dessert, the harder it became, and the more pressure began to build in my stomach. With ease, my body rocked against his fingers and mouth until I couldn’t take it.

“Oh!” Coming with his lips on me left me hot all over.

Which was good because he wasn’t finished. Rising up, licking his lips, he grabbed one of my thighs and lifted it, making space for his body.

“Etha—oh fuck!”

With one thrust, his cock was inside me, and my body rose off the bed for sure.

“Goddammit…” he moaned, slamming himself in deeper.

There was nothing I could say to that. There was nothing but the sound of my moans. I could even feel myself fucking drooling as he pulled out and thrust back in over and over again inside of me. He lifted my body off the bed, wrapped my arms around him, and held me close. His face was against mine, his breath on my lips, until he closed the distance between us and kissed me, and his tongue twisted around mine.

“Ah…Ethan...” I cried out as he pinched my nipples, sending a shiver down my spine.

He kissed down the side of my face, to my neck, biting gently. I could feel him everywhere, and it only made me want him more…and more.


I loved the way she cried out my name as my cock entered her from behind. She gripped the sheets. Her hair was over her face, and her body was covered in a thin layer of sweat. She should have been resting. We should have been resting. But I couldn’t. Grabbing her waist, I pulled her to me just as I thrust forward, and she shook.

Sweat dripped down my cheek and onto her back. I froze as doubts came into my mind, along with so many other thoughts that I didn’t want to dwell on.

“Ethan,” she snapped, glancing over her shoulder at me, her chest rising and falling as she took a deep breath. “I’m okay. You aren’t going to break me. Now get out of your fucking head and fuck me.”

That did it.

Grabbing her hair, I pulled her up to me, I hovered over her. “You should be more careful with your words, Calliope.”

“And you should be more forceful with your hip—ahh!” Her mouth dropped open as I rammed into her harder….and then harder, so hard the bed moved forward with us. I could feel the walls of her pussy tightly clench me, aching for me…more of me.

Pushing all the thoughts out, I focused only on being here, on her only, trusting that she was right and that I could not break her.

Another reason I loved her, she helped me to stop thinking, even if it was only for a little bit.

“Harder,” Calliope demanded, and I did as I was ordered.

Grabbing hold of her breast, my back against her, I fucked her with everything I had.


“Plenty of humans were monstrous, and plenty of monsters knew how to play at being human.”

~ Victoria Schwab