And he could never show that weakness to his family. He would never say the words because the words could destroy him. It didn’t matter what decade or century we were in, no one, not even his family, would trust him to be Ceann Na Conairte if they knew there was something even slightly off with his mind. He was born to rule, raised to rule, expected and pre-destined from childhood. He’d rather suffer silently than ever admit to it.

Even I could never say the words out allowed, so instead, when I felt him getting to the edge, sometimes I simply asked, “Do you have a headache?”

It was my way of asking if he needed medication, seeing how he sometimes skipped his medication or simply lost track of time. Under enough stress, the first sign he was slipping was a headache. Sometimes I didn’t bother asking; I just gave it to him. But even I didn’t catch everything, especially when I was away from him for such long periods.

“Enough,” I said, reaching out and grabbing his wrist, stopping him from rewinding the recording again.

He froze and didn’t raise his head to me. Reaching over, I lifted his chin, forcing him to look up. His green eyes were red and void of anything but tears. “You’re not playing fair, Ethan. I’m the upset one. I’m the betrayed one. Why do you look so much more broken? I said to weep, not break down and hate yourself.”

“You’re right. It’s not fair. Your life was harder. So why am I like this?” he whispered, searching my eyes. “I’ve been watching you, trying to copy you. I try pushing the thoughts away, but it doesn’t work. Tell me when will I stop being so damn pathetic?”

I rested my forehead on his, kneeling between his legs. “You are not pathetic.” I had my moments, too. But it wasn’t the same; he knew it, and so did I.

“I feel weak,” he muttered, determined to berate himself.

Fine. “You are weak. And I like you that way. You already come from good stock, money, and power; let me have one fucking strength over you and stop being so damn selfish about it. I’ve covered and accepted everything you’ve thrown at me so far, haven’t I?”

He chuckled before he wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. “You told me once to join you in your insanity, and instead, you’ve joined mine.”

“You see how nothing goes my way in the end!” I frowned, letting go of him, but he stayed on me.

“You’re Mrs. Callahan, aren’t you?” he replied

“Yay.” I rolled my eyes and lopped my finger in the air. “It’s been a very stressful job of late.”

“It’s always been stressful—”

“Don’t lecture me. I know. And like I said, I am still mad at you, so be sad but be considerate about your sadness, okay? I’m not just going to forgive you. You need to know there are consequences for betraying me.” I huffed, trying to pull his hands off me, but he only held on tighter. “Ethan, let go of me.”

“I can’t. You are making me feel better.”

“I will bite you—” I was cut off as he pushed me onto the floor, undoing my robe. “No, don’t you dare. I am not in the mood….” My voice trailed off as he shifted, placing his ear on top of my still flat stomach.

“If it’s a girl again, let’s name her after my grandmother,” he whispered.

“It’s going to be a boy.”

“How do you know?”

“Just a feeling.”

“Hopefully…you’re wrong,” he whispered.

“Why? You only want girls?”

“They last longer…” He was quiet for a long time before speaking again. “If it’s boy, we…we can name him after my father…on second thought, let it be a middle name. I don’t want him to end up like him.”

“How did your father end up?”

He didn’t answer.

He just lay there, quietly listening to my stomach while also lost in thought.

This was not how I wanted this night to go. I planned to ignore him for months or even years. I would play the good wife and do as he asked, but I wouldn’t let him get close anymore. I wouldn’t allow myself to be open with him. I’d be cold as ice.

That all fell apart in seconds.

I truly was in love with the son of a bitch.