“You’ve always brightened my day, you know that?”

For some reason, that didn’t make me feel any better. Instead, it hurt. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I forced myself to smile, stroking her hair gently. “Of course, I know, Nana. I’m your favorite. Everyone loves me.”

“See. No matter how sad you are, you try to make others smile.”

“Me? Sad? When can I see you? Never.”


“Nana, rest. Okay. Just rest—” I tried to get up, but she held me onto me with a surprising grip.


“Please don’t say anything silly, Nana. You’re going to get better.”

“Listen to me, sweetheart.”

I bit my lip and hung my head.

“When I’m gone—”

“Nana, no.” I shook my head. Trying to let go. “You aren’t going anywhere—”


Blinking away my tears, she went on. “When I’m gone, don’t stop brightening this house. Okay? Ethan doesn’t say it, but he loves your humor.”

I scoffed. “Nana, Ethan likes silence.”

“If he liked silence, why would he love Calliope?”

I frowned. “Because he’s also a bit crazy?”

“He’s silent because his mind is always racing. Loud people, fun people, dramatic people, they help pull him from his thoughts and let him live. Why do you think he works so hard to make sure you are all around him?”

“Nana, why are you so concerned about that selfish jerk? Look, he doesn’t even have the decency to be here,” I meant it partially as a joke, but part of me was angry.

“Because I’ve always felt bad for those who have had to lead this family. It isn’t easy. Do you know how many times we’ve almost lost it all? How many times we’ve buried our loved ones? Family is a burden. It’s easy to be mad at him. I’m sure he’s mad at us at times, too. But we Callahans stick together even when we all want to kill each other. When I’m gone, someone will have to be th

e bridge between him and the rest of the family. Mina and Declan aren’t going to be up to it for a while. So, it has to be you.”

My throat hurt. All of me hurt. “Nana, I can’t—”

“Yes, you can. You’ve been doing it already.”

“No, I betrayed him. He’ll—”

“He’ll forgive. Don’t believe he won’t even if he says otherwise. Stay by him always. Let him vent. Let him yell or break things. But be right there. He will forgive you.”


“Doesn’t understand family yet. Give her time. It took your mom time. It took me time. It takes time. You are all so young, but you’ll grow more.”

“Okay, Nana, that’s enough. Just rest, okay?”

“Promise me. Promise me you’ll do everything you can to keep the peace. Promise me you won’t lose faith in your brother again?”

Ugh. Dammit. I hated this.