On his knees, holding his stomach, his face red, he stared at me, trembling in anger. But slowly, he swallowed it.

“All of them,” he spat out.

I nodded. “All of them.”

“Do you know how to find them?” Killian asked, coming up beside us.

“Yes,” I said and picked up the gun I had dropped. “They’re at home.”

“And how do you know?” Wyatt called.

“Because Roman has apparently been waiting for me to crawl back broken and defeated ever since I left.” I pulled out the chamber of the gun before placing it back inside.

Roman could have killed Gigi while he was here, but his hate for me was deeper. Just like mine was for all of them. Just like when I could have killed my sister and mother in the church. Death wasn’t good enough. Suffering was. He needed to see me suffer, and he wouldn’t leave or run until it happened. This was how he’d close the book on me, too.

“Roman either thinks my daughter’s dead or you all are dead. Either way, he’s waiting,” I added.

“Waiting with or without a gun?” Killian asked.

“It doesn’t matter,” Sedric replied, rising and standing straighter. “Whatever they have, it doesn’t matter. If they have guns, we will use bigger guns. If they have bigger guns, we will use fucking bombs. It doesn’t goddamn matter!”

He stepped forward, crushing the glass under his feet. Only to stop and look at the large hole where the window used to be. The sun was slowly rising over the horizon. His face bunched once before he went to his mother, hugging her as she began to cry in his arms. All of them held onto each other as they sobbed.

Killian stepped in front of me. “What if you’re wrong, and they fled?”

“We hunt them down like the beasts they are and string them up.”

“All of them? Even your mother—”

“That woman isn’t my mother. She may have given birth to me, but she is no mother. I faced worse than she faced, and never once did I take my pain out on my child. She dies. All of them. That is the biggest priority of this family now.”

“Funny how Ethan isn’t here for this biggest priority.” He glared.

I glared back. “Funny how you seem to have the mind to think of what Ethan isn’t here for. And funny how you are still wrong. He’s killing the Orsinis there. We kill t

he ones here. See. Same priority. Only he’s facing the man who made the bomb and much worse without any of us. Without his family behind him. Do you still find this funny? Or do you think questioning the head of this family will suddenly make you the new king? Quick history lesson—that never works out. So, go help your father before we go.”

No one was going to insult Ethan but me.

Killian cracked his jaw to the side.

Walking over to Gigi, I carefully picked her up off the floor. “Helen, let’s go.”

“Why me?” she asked, already following behind me.

“Because you didn’t work so hard to save her just to get hurt. Wyatt has to take care of Evelyn and everyone else. I’m going to need Sedric and your brother to fight. Any more questions?”

“Yes, why are you answering questions?”

“Because…you all are going to need to start to understand me, and you are not as fast on the uptake as Ethan,” I replied, petting the back of my head.

“Where is Ethan?”


“I know that, but—”

“He’s fighting.”