I kicked him and moved to punch him as well, but he grabbed my hands. “Since when did you need a pat on the head?”

“Since forever. Are you just noticing?”

He snickered, kissed my lips, and let go of my hands. “We will finish this at home, Mrs. Callahan.”

I rolled my eyes, pushing him away when there was a knock on the door. He walked to it, this time following Dino out himself. I said nothing, allowing them to play with their little white powder. There was no reason to let everyone know how much of a team effort this was just yet. Looking out the glass, I watched as they began to count every brick. Some were disguised as baby powder, others sugar, some even in detergent boxes. Ethan was keeping nothing on hand; everything was going out now.

The cops hadn’t reported the fact that they were robbed. They couldn’t. Not without losing the last shred of hope the people had in them. Yesterday, they were all bragging, taking photos of how much they had captured, and today, not only did many of their own lose their lives, but so did their families. Hell, if they let it be known, many of their own cops would lose faith, too. All their hard work, all their pride, trampled within a day. And such was the world. Either you were on top of it, or you were crushed underneath it. Everyone had to fight to stay on top, and there were no breaks—there were no calms. Either you were sliding down or rising up.


I glanced at the door, not noticing when he had come back in.

He looked over me, frowning. “What is it?”

I shook my head. “I just realized tomorrow is Sunday. Since people saw us out today, we have to go to church tomorrow.”

“Are you afraid you will run into those nuns again?” he asked—again with his humor.

“You are not funny!” I snapped, throwing my fist at him, but he caught it. I couldn’t help but laugh. Even though in the back of my mind, I knew, my grandfather was still waiting.

I had six more days.


“As the lily among thorns,

so is my love among the daughters.”

~ Solomon Ibn Gabirol


When I arrived at the manor, I felt the hair raise on my arms. I looked up at what had always been my home, not sure what to expect. Was I welcome? Was I still in the doghouse? Was I supposed to meet them somewhere else? I wasn’t even sure which church we were going to yet. Our family church was still under construction.

I could have called. But then I didn’t, and I knew why. For the first time, I felt…nervous. I didn’t want to hear the answer. Or worse, get no answer at all. Since I had left, no one had called me. Not my father, brother, or even my mom, and I knew then the only reason they wouldn’t. They were told not to. Or it was clear they were expected not to. Despite the fact that my father was Ethan’s uncle, my father truly believed in the order of this family. You do not go against the Ceann na Conairte…or his wife.


I glanced up at my driver, who stood, holding the door open for me, even though I hadn’t gotten out. I tucked my hand under the bottom of my skirt before stepping onto the gravel. The doors were already open. O’Phelan stood in the middle of the entryway dressed to the nines—always a proper butler, even with a gold pocket watch in the vest of his three-piece suit. I looked at him, wondering, and he gave me a small nod.

Exhaling, I turned my attention to my driver. “You may go. I’ll be with my family.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He nodded, going around to the driver’s side door.

Walking up the stairs, I tucked my clutch under my arm, smiling at him. “Good morning, O’Phelan.”

“Good morning, Mrs. Khan.”

I froze and looked at him.

Again, he just nodded. Telling me he—and most likely, all of the staff—had been directed to call me that.

Let the humbling begin.

“Well, look who the cat dragged back in,” Helen said with a smirk on her face, dressed in a deep orange, fitted cocktail dress which went below her knees, a white blazer on her shoulders, and a pair of Prada shoes, the heels of which were adorned in crystals. Her brown hair was pulled back into one big curly ponytail.

“Miss me?” I asked, kissing her cheeks.