n’t stop.

I couldn’t be slow and gentle.

I held her waist, bring her body to mine as I rammed my cock in her, pulling out slightly only to thrust my cock back into her. Her pussy dripped for me, her moans a symphony for me. I was a man obsessed. A man possessed.

“Fuck…Ethan…ahh…” Her voice broke with the waves of pleasure that took over. I lifted her whole body up towards me as I kneeled on the bed. I wrapped my arms around her as she wrapped herself around me. Her lips were on my lips as we kissed and fucked. Fucked and kissed and fucked more until she cried out and my body ached and trembled, coming in her as I held on.


She was fucking maddening.

But not having her with me was worse.

Slowly I released her to lay back on the pillows, both of us trying to breathe. My mind was a foggy haze. What day was it? What time? Where were we? What else mattered? Why wasn’t it like this every day?

“You taste the sweetest right after sex, you know that?” she asked before she kissed the side of my jaw and neck.

I said nothing, lying there like a drunk man getting drunker with each kiss she placed on my skin. She kissed the side of my neck, my shoulders, the top of my chest. I focused on breathing. I was in a weakened mental state when she decided to finally question me.

“Why did you come to me tonight?” she whispered into my ear. “What happened?”

So much happened and yet at the same time, nothing at all happened. It was the same chaotic bullshit as before and would most likely be the same tomorrow and every other day until my last day.

“I shouldn’t have to come to you anymore Calliope.” I finally replied shifting my head to look at her. “You should be beside me now. It’s time to end this.”

She sighed, slowly peeling herself off of me. She brushed her hair to one side as she lay beside me. In the dim light of the moon, I could see the small scars and cuts that littered all over her body; they were all very faded and very old. Others would probably never notice them, but I was not others.

“Ending one thing only ever serves to start another,” she replied.

“Then let’s start another already.”

“You know it is not that easy.”

“I know.”

“We’re going to have to have a very good story to explain.”

“I know.”

“We’re going to have to lie a lot...a lot more.”

“I know.”

“We might even have to lie to each other, to get everything we want.”

“I know.”

“It’s going to be messy.”

“I know.”

“And bloody.”

“That is the only way kingdoms are made.”

“What if I need your blood for that kingdom?” she asked, and this was not the first time she had asked this, nor would it be the last. My answer would never change.

“Then take it without hesitation,” I said.