
Immediately he and I pulled out the guns, pointing them at the front door of the motel. We exchanged glances. It was three in the fucking morning. No one knocked at this time. He pointed for me to stay at one corner; however, before I could move, a clear envelope with a telephone was slid under the door.

The moment we didn’t have to wonder who it was because there was a picture of Calliope in her wedding dress smiling brightly. However, her face wasn’t the only thing that made it horrid. It was the ringtone.

“Requiem in D Minor, K 626.” It was a requiem mass, aka music that the church played for the dead at mass.


I looked at Liam, and he nodded, turning on the bomb detector. It was green, so I stepped forward before he could and took the phone out to answer.

“Mom!” I cringed. “I was worried you weren’t going to answer for a second.”

Neither of us spoke.

“Right, you both must be very pissed at me. I understand. It’s not every day you both experience such a heavy loss, right?”

Liam exhaled through his nose, gripping his gun tighter. I nodded for him to get our go bags. I didn’t know how she knew where we were, but we needed to move and fast.

“Daughter,” I spat out, walking to the corner and checking the window. “I do not think you should waste the few days you have to breathe with stunts like this.”

“Again, with the threats. Mom, how are you going to beat me when you don’t know what’s going on?”

“A bullet doesn’t need to know anything. It just needs to find your skull.”

“True. Let’s see if you have any bullets left after my friends come to play.”

“Sorry, dear, I think I am a bit too old to play with your friends,” I said as Liam pulled out the machine guns. I took my arm out of its sleeve, ignoring the pain and took one, too, along with a bulletproof vest.

“I’m sorry, did I say friends? I meant coworkers.”

Liam's head snapped up. “Fuck,” he mouthed to me as he put on his vest.

“I’m disappointed, Calliope. I thought you wanted to settle this as women, but you go and send an army of assassins to fight us.”

“Don’t be disappointed. If you are good enough, we’ll still have a chance. If not…well then, I just thought I should say thank you for giving birth to such an amazing son. Don’t worry, I’ll watch out for him. Bye!”

I threw the phone at the wall, but even as it shattered, it still played that goddamn music.

“Of all the fucking women he could have fallen in love with, he couldn’t have chosen a pre-school teacher? At this point, I would have even been grateful for some dumb cheerleader,” Liam grumbled, holding a smoke grenade.

“Lecture him after we kill her,” I said, handing him the mask and putting on my own.




We both looked at the door again.

“You came to the wrong door, motherfucker.”


“Watch me

I will go to my own sun.