Her eyes were wide. Carefully, I brought the yellow box over. She helped me open it, revealing the holiday cake inside. I broke off a piece and gave it to her.

“Thank you, Mommy,” she said, taking a massive bite, dancing slightly as she ate.

I reached up, brushing her hair from her head. I couldn’t help but wonder if just one thing had been different in my life, would I still have her, my daughter, Ethan Callahan’s daughter?

No. I don’t think I would be holding any child at all. I did not think I could have kids, that I could be a mother, not because there was anything wrong with me physically, but because I never saw myself as the mommy type.

And now, I knew I was that type because of Ethan Callahan.

I was supposed to destroy the Callahans—except my daughter—and even if I could hide that, it was still ironic that in order to defeat them, I had to become one of them.

A further irony, I felt like I had developed a split personality, too. I was Calliope Orisni and now Calliope Callahan. And the dread I felt now was the same dread I felt as a child, knowing that if there were an angel and devil within us all, one of them was real and would dominate the other in the end.

“Mommy, you eat,” she broke a piece off for me.

I leaned in and bit her finger.


I giggled at the face she made.

If only it could be this simple.


“That which has a bad beginning,

is likely to have a bad ending.”

~ Hen Thorir


I felt nauseous.

A throbbing ache rose from the back of my neck to the front of my face, waking me. And the very first voice I heard was not the one I was expecting.

“Good morning, sir.”

Rolling onto my side, I watched as O’Phelan outstretched his hand to give me a glass of water and two tablets, which was odd for many reasons.

First, no one was allowed into my room unless I ordered so, and I hadn’t. Secondly, O’Phelan never made room calls unless inspecting the butlers’ and maids’ work…or on an order from another family member. Third, he had water and pills.

“Explain. Now,” I demanded, sitting up from the bed only to need to grab the side of my head, as it felt as if it were being ripped apart.

“Ms. Orsini directed me to stay and make sure you take these to help with your sickness and to make sure you are on time for breakfast. I was just about to wake you.”



I held up my hand to tell him to shut up so I could stitch together my thoughts. However, it was a

bit difficult under the circumstance. I glanced over O’Phelan, the pills and water still in hand.

“Did she tell you what sickness this was?” I asked him.

“No, sir.”