“What? I’m watching the cameras now, the door just opened—”

“Wyatt, that already happened. Something must be wrong with the camera…shit.” I muttered, sitting back up remembering how I saw her on her phone. “She’s hacked into my network and delayed the time on the feed, Wyatt! She’s at least thirty seconds ahead of all of you. What is going on? Is she a hacker?”

“Try assassin.”

I pulled the phone from my ear to just stare at it. Placing it back I said, “I’m sorry, you’re going to have to repeat that one more time. I think my brain was rebooting.”

“A.S.S.A.S.S.I.N, assassin,” he spelled and repeated for me. “Ethan is letting a crazy woman walk through our house, putting our guards to sleep. Why? I don’t fucking know!”

I tried to think. Again, if this was such a big deal Ethan wouldn’t care if I was half dead, I’d be fixing the damn cameras.

“Wyatt…do you think they’re flirting with each other?”

“In what universe did anything I say sound like flirting?” he replied, baffled.

I couldn’t answer that because it did sound weird.

“Besides, he doesn’t even remember her.”

And that was the weirdest thing I’d heard all day. “Ethan doesn’t remember her? Are you sure? Did he say that?”

“You saw him, he was utterly shocked—”

“Yes, at having a daughter…but not at his daughter’s mother. Wyatt, Ethan never forgets anything. He didn’t know he had a child, but he probably knew who he slept with. On the slight chance he didn’t truly remember, all he had to do was figure out around when his daughter was conceived, and he could find the security for that time. Ethan is never satisfied not knowing something. He will dig until he finds it. So, either he knows, or he found it out, which is why he’s letting her simply roam through the house.”

There was silence on the other line until finally he exhaled. “I’m getting very tired of trying to figure out how Ethan’s fucking mind works. Up is down. Right is left, and the moon is the sun with him!”

“Where are you?”

“With your Cain. King Ethan put me on desk duty.”

“Well, I’m in your bed whenever you get tired of my desk.”

“Helen.” I shook in horror at the new voice on the line. “He’s not alone here.”

“Oh…hi dad.” I cringed, putting my hand over my face. “You’re working on Cain with him? Sorry, I don’t want to interrupt. Talk to you later, bye!”

Hanging up quickly I tossed the phone away burying my face in his pillow. I should have gone into the hall. Give me ten assassins over ever experiencing that again.


Chapter 20

“It is fraud to conceal fraud.”

* * *




Staring into the flames of the fireplace, I heard her heels click upon the stones as she walked down the stone staircase until she reached the bottom. She didn’t take a further step. She looked as beautiful as she always did, and though she didn’t smile, I could see the hint of amusement in her eyes. After all, she’d just wiped the floor with my so-called guards and my family.

“We have three minutes before either your mother, uncle, or Helen fixes what I did to the security system.” She lifted her phone to show me her timer.

I walked across the cellar, grasping the back of her neck and pulling her close to me. My lips were on hers and her hands went to my hair. She opened her mouth for me when I felt her tongue in my mouth, I couldn’t help but press her against the staircase. The feeling of her breasts against me, the way her ass fit in my hand when I reached down to squeeze, only turned me on further.