“Are you playing with me, Miguel?” I asked him, sipping on the wine.

“No…no…no…I have no idea—” Again he was cut off but this time a few lights came on as one of the dancers spun in the air. She had red hair and green eyes, and all eyes were on her as she twisted and spun in the red silk in the space above the club…naked. The only thing sparing her from being completely exposed was the silk, which she carefully wrapped herself in.

“You’re in luck, Mr. Callahan, it seems there is show tonight!” Miguel whistled, leaning back in the chair.

I glanced over to Tobias and Greyson; both reverted to dogs, apparently. Mouths agape, their heads twisted to the side as they tried to get a peek at her. Shaking my head, I turned back to her to see that she halted her routine, her body hovering right between the space and the gap. She gave us a dazzling smile.

“¡Ay, mami,” Miguel hollered at her. She winked back and then a second later—

“GUN!” Greyson hollered, dashing towards me as she fired at us over and over.

“Get off of me!” I snapped, pushing his large body away and getting to my feet. Tobias shot at her, but she had already dropped to the ground.

I turned back to Miguel, who was hunched over on the couch. “It wasn’t me!”

“Find her!” I roared.

My guards, his guards, they all swarmed out leaving me with the coward, now monkey shit. Pulling out my gun I walked over to him as he tried to back away. “You were already on my fucking bad side when I got in here, now…now you’re dead.”

I held up the gun, but instead of seeing one of him I saw two. The whole world felt like it was spinning. Gripping the gun tighter, I fired. I missed completely. My throat burned and had to grab on to rail to keep from falling.

“Well, well, look who looks weak, small, and insignificant now.” He grinned, walking over to me and taking out his gun.

“Still you.” I didn’t say that. Both of our heads snapped to the side, and there was…the redhead? Before he had a chance to react, she threw something into his neck. He gasped out once before going down like a rock. She rushed over to me and kissed me, and I felt something enter my mouth.

I pushed her off me. “W—who the fuck do you think y-you are?”

“The woman currently carrying your child. You drank my poison, I gave you the antidote. Meet me here.” She put a card into my handkerchief pocket and patted my cheek. “Pull yourself together babe. Your men shouldn’t see you like this, it’s not very boss-like.”

She kissed me one more time before exiting just as quickly as she came. It took a second for me to gather enough strength to stand up straight. My mind was hazy, but still clear enough for me to recognize that voice.


Wait, did she say carrying my child? What the motherfuck?

* * *


Houston, Texas

Friday, September 7th

I was going to kill him.

I hated him so much right now, death was the only answer.

“Gu-uh…” I puked in the toilet.

“Did you say you are pregnant? After telling me you poisoned me?” He stood in the doorway of the bathroom.

I looked over to him, wanting so badly to bash his head into the mirror. But when he stepped closer, I caught that smell again and faced the toilet, puking once more.

“You’re pregnant,” he repeated.

I held my hand out for him to stop. Feeling dizzy, I looked up with all the anger I felt in my voice. “Shut up, strip, and take a fucking shower! Whatever cologne you’re wearing pisses this kid off and it’s taking it out on me!”

He stared at me like I wasn’t speaking a language he could understand.