“I’m sure someone is missing it…just not me.”

He pulled the trigger.

I looked down at my stomach then back to Ethan. Reaching down, I pulled out the needle and held it up between us.

“You have a strange way of saying thank you.”

“I don’t say thank you at all. The poison you used, I was able to get it too,” he replied. As I closed my eyes and collapsed into his arms the last thing I heard was, “Payback is a bitch, isn’t it.”


She was not just no one.

It was impossible for her to do everything she did if she was just a crazy woman.

That was the only reason she was alive. Why does it feel like I’m trying to convince myself that was the only reason?

“I know you’re awake,” I stated as she stirred in the bed. Her head tossed a bit before her eyes snapped open. Slowly she sat up, rubbing her temples. When she moved her legs and noticed the shackles she heaved out a breath then gave me her attention.

“If you want to tie me up and strip me down, Ethan, all you have do is ask.” She settled back on the pillows. “What are we about to fight about now?”

“You shot and poisoned me for one, you crazy—”

“You had me kidnapped, motherfucker. Were you expecting me to be sweet?” she shot back. “I matched what you dished out. You wanted to be underhanded and crazy and I gave it back to you. Next time just ask me out for fucking coffee.”

Why am I not killing her?

“How many people work for you?” I asked remembering my job…how the hell did I forget that?

The smile on her face grew wider. “Do you think I’m in the cartel? A rival family or something?”

“How do you have a mole in the Colombia police?”

“If I did, don’t you think your mole in the Colombia police would have told you about another mole? Or do you have shitty moles too?” she questioned, resting her chin on her palms now that she was laying on her stomach facing me.

“Where are the drugs?”

She smirked. “That’s an important question. Twelve tons is a lot, but to be fair, I doubt it was stolen from you all at one time. They m

ust have been taking it bit by bit for a while. Does that upset you?”

For every question I asked she asked one in return, and she so obviously did it as an affront to me. I stared at her and she stared back.

“Should I torture her? Should I pretend to be kind? Should I just kill her?” she whispered softly, still looking at me. “You’re juggling those options right now, aren’t you?”

She bothers me.

“It bothers you that I know what you’re thinking, doesn’t it?” She giggled.

She bothers me a lot.

“Are you going to answer my questions?” I asked, ignoring her other statements.

“Yes, but in my own time, not yours.” She looked completely at ease. Amused, even.

“Why don’t you fear me?” I hadn’t meant to ask her that, but it just came out.

“Aww, that’s cute,” she replied and shook her head. “You look truly confused. You’re normally cold and sexy, but I like this look too.”