She fucking shot me too!

“Ugh,” I groaned as I rubbed my temple. I

was so annoyed I didn’t even know where the fuck to start. I spent the last few hours feeling like shit; all I wanted to do was sleep for another bloody week.

I should kill her first.



“What?” I snapped into the phone.

“Sorry to bother you, boss…”

“Not sorry enough, apparently. What is it?” I asked him.

“I was just notified about the fire.”

“The fire? What the fuck are you talking about, Tobias?” I sat up in the bed. “A fire in Chicago?”

“No, in Colombia. Are you seeing the news? There were three fires, all of them on the coca fields. We’ve lost a lot, boss,” he explained as I turned on the television to see the wildfire that was now raging. Firefighters battled in the background, the banner on the screen reporting that 40 were already dead. “This wasn’t accident, was it? Do you need us down there?”

“If I needed you, Tobias, I would have called you.” I hung up on him, breathing in slowly as I clenched on to the phone. Gritting my teeth, I said her name like I was conjuring the fucking devil. “Calliope.”

Ripping the sheets off, I searched my phone and saw the word ‘Wife’ in my contact list.

“You psycho bitch,” I muttered before connecting the damn call.


“Do you think this is a game?” I snapped, not even wanting to hear her voice.

“I’m sorry, boss, I don’t know what you’re referencing.”

I bit the inside of my cheek before continuing. Enough with this shit. “Let’s meet, Calliope.”

“I’m heading to Mass. You’re free to join, you know the church already.” She hung up and I tossed the phone to the side.

“Church or not you will die today.”

What the fuck was wrong with that goddamn woman?

* * *


I was on my knees when I felt someone one sit beside me. I knew it was him. But I didn’t rush to sit up, moving to the next section on my rosary. “Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee—”

“But is the lord with you?” He asked from behind me and I felt the gun at the side of my head. Sighing, I got up and sat back on the pew, putting the rosary back on my hand and glanced over to him. He was dressed in all black, his hair a bit wet from the rain outside, true murderous intent in his eyes.

“Are you upset about something?”

“Many things” he replied, moving the gun from my head. “Do you think I’m a man you play these games with?”

My eyebrow rose at that. “Games? No. War? Yes.”

“Are you stupid or delusional?” he sneered. “You think just because you burn a few fields you can stand toe to toe with me? With my family? My little sister could rip you apart blindfolded.”