
Make him come.

It was all that went through my mind as I stroked and sucked on him.

“Hel-en….afuckh.” His voice was like music to my ears as he came in my mouth, and I drank all of him in before letting go and wiping the side of my mouth.

My chest rising and falling.

Sitting up in the small space beside him, I turned to look at him, but he had his arm over his face, his chest rising and falling, too.

“I have a confession to make,” he spoke while still not looking at me.

“I’m all ears,” I said, repeating the same thing he’d said to me earlier.

“I’ve been attracted to you for years.”


He took his arm away and looked at me with that devilish smile on his face. “I’ve wanted to fuck you for years…not just fuck. I’ve wanted make love to you for years. I didn’t understand my feelings then, and so I did what I always do. I buried them. I forced myself to look at you in one way, and because of that, you’ve been watching me screw around with other women…because of that I’ve been hurting you. I’m sorry.”

“I…you…” I inhaled, unable to say anything, so I turned away. “Obviously all the sex is messing with—”

“What have I told you about determining my feelings for me?” he said, sitting up, and I couldn’t help but shiver when he brushed the side of my cheek.

“I thought you just wanted fun?”

He leaned in to kiss my neck, and just like that I was under his spell. My eyes closed; I couldn’t help but lean into him.

“You grew up with me, Helen,” he whispered into my ear. “You saw what I saw. So, you should know that no Callahan just wants fun…we settle for fun until we find what we really want.”

“And that is?” I knew the answer, but I didn’t dare say it.

“Obsession,” he replied softly, smiling at me. “Someone to obsess over, to live for, to fight for…to love to the brink of insanity. That makes everything else worth it.”

“Can I be that person?”

“Aren’t you already that person? Didn’t you swear to choose me? To be on my side above everyone else’s?”

“I did. I will.”

“And haven’t I already obsessed about you? Killed for you. Chased after you? Accepted you?”

“You did…you have.”

He kissed my forehead. “So you are mine now, Helen. Everyone is going to be shocked. Your father is going to want to kill me. We’re going have more than a few people disgusted with us, and even more than that hoping we fail. But you’re mine now, Helen. This is real, and I’m not going to change my mind.”

In other words…stand strong beside me.

All I could do was nod.

He grinned, kissing my lips softly. “Congrats, you’ve tamed a Callahan.”

I laughed but then shrugged. “It wasn’t all that hard actually. All I had do was get drunk apparently.”

“God, when did I become so easy.” He laughed, too. Before I could say anything, he picked me up. “Let’s take a shower.”

From the moment we left the living room until he carried me to the bathroom, we didn’t say anything. He turned on the water, and I stepped in first, enjoying the heat on my skin. I knew he was watching, and it made me feel sexier.