“What was I saying?” I asked, stroking her pussy lips. Grinning, I licked her ear. “Right, some men lie in hopes of fucking. Me. I prefer to fuck first. To me, knowing how much I enjoy fucking a woman is the very foundation of how I go about approaching that woman. So, I was conflicted, Helen. You’re important to me. I respect you. I didn’t want to start off the same way for you…but I am the way I am. I love sex. I love licking, touching, sucking…fucking. The dirtier the sex, the better for me.”

“Oh…” She grabbed onto my hand as I rubbed her clit. When she did, using my free hand, I reached up, lifting her top and then her bra, in order to grab her left breast, pinching her nipples.

“So, what do I do, Helen? I can’t treat you like those women, but we can’t just date either. Dating is meant to get to know each other…you know me. I know you. What do I do? How do we do this?” I asked, kissing the top of her ear.

She tilted her head back, resting it on my shoulder, and exhaled deeply, and I couldn’t help but inhale, the scent of roses filled my nose. My cock hardened against her ass. She had grabbed onto my wrist, slowly taking my hand out from under her skirt. Standing up straighter, she fixed her bra and top.

“Zip me,” she demanded. Glancing down at her skirt, I pouted. And somehow, despite not looking at me, she must have guessed my expression. “I promise, you’ll get another chance to unzip it, later.”

She’s dangerous. I smiled to myself, zipping her skirt back up. Once done, she turned around, facing me. I could see the lust so clearly burning in her brown eyes.

“Come to my room in an hour, but know we aren’t sleeping together yet.”

“So why do you want me in your room?”

“So we can have a date.”

“Here? At the manor?” I questioned.

She smirked and nodded. “It will prevent us both from getting so comfortable we fuck each other.”

“Are you sure?” Because she didn’t realize how close she was now.

“One hour,” she said with ease and just walked away from me, her red-bottomed heels clicking as she walked away and unlocked the front door. She didn’t even look back before closing the door.

Did I go too far too soon? No.

She was trying to play me…she did play me. Most women…actually all of the women I’d been with in the past, I made it clear what I wanted…just like I had done with her. The only difference is that all of those women gave in, immediately. Helen came in here to tell she’d be different, and left proving she was. I always knew she understood me, but now I was wondering just how much more she knew that I didn’t.

Walking around the desk, I turned the cameras back on before leaving the office. Before I slept, I was going to need a cold shower. My second one in two fucking days thanks to her.

Seductive minx.


I wanted him…badly. So badly it actually hurt to leave. How the hell could he just turn on and off like that?

Probably the same damn way I did it.

I spent so much time setting up my room…while going over what happened in my head in the study, that an hour blew by before I’d realized it.



“Special delivery,” he said when I opened the door.

He leaned against the door frame. I could see how tired and stressed he was so clearly on his face, yet somehow it actually made him look sexier.

“Right on time,” I said moving for him to come in.

He stepped inside and looked around, taking it all in before looking at me. “A movie?”

I looked at the small projector playing the black and white movie on my wall. I’d moved my vanity and plates to the side of my bed, throwing all of the pillows I could find on the floor.

Looking at the door, I stepped out of my heels and moved to the pillows, taking a seat. “You’re not a fan of black and white silent movies?”

“So, we’re watching one?” he asked moving to take a seat beside me.