“$1,500 is a little steep for a high-school painting—”

“$1,500? I’ve spent more on shoes. Try one point five million.”

Her mouth dropped open. “You lie.”

“Always, but not about this. Enjoy your last shitty sandwich and watch how the popular ones are the first to swarm to new fires.”

I turned around, ready to make my great exit; happy with completing my good deed of the year when I saw him. Dressed in head to toe black, standing at the front of the cafeteria, and grinning at me proudly.

In the next meeting, we are definitely discussing the school’s damn security system.


“How did you get in here?” she hissed once she’d gotten close enough. I looked her over; covering my mouth as my eyes drank in her curvy hips under the tight, high-waisted yellow skirt which stopped just a little below her lacy crop top, showing a small sliver of her mid-section. “My eyes are up here.” She snapped her fingers at me.

“I’m not looking for your eyes,” I said, finally looking back at her. “Though they are beautiful, as always. I’m trying to figure out how you got in here.”

“Excuse me?”

I waved my hands over her outfit. “I know you enjoy being every man’s fantasy, but this a little much, don’t you think? They’re teenagers; you aren’t playing fair.”

She raised her hand as if she were about to smack me, but I quickly side-stepped her, looking to the women who now stood behind her. “Ladies, please excuse us, but Ms. Callahan has another engagement this afternoon and we must leave now if we hope to be on time.”

“Ma’am,” I turned back to Dona, waving her towards the door. She gave me a look that was more than annoyed… Which I had to admit hurt, seeing as how I’d just witnessed her true smile.

“Ladies.” She faced them, speaking politely. “I’m sorry, I must go. Principal Pomar, someone will collect Penélope’s drawing later.”

“You’re buying it?” The woman’s eyes almost fell out of her damn head.

Donatella simply nodded, looking over at her shoulder at the girl she’d spoken to. Other students were now gathering around her. “I have feeling that girl is going to be a great artist one day. I’m surprised someone as sophisticated as you didn’t know her talent. For shame. I guess it’s true… Somethings you can’t buy, or teach. You’re either born with it or not.”

When I wasn’t on the other end of her attacks, I had to admit that the way Donatella made words into weapons was masterful. Without another word, she spun around gracefully and walked out.

“Ladies.” I nodded to them once more, hurrying to catch up. I matched her pace to reach her easily. Noticing one of the girls in the hallway taking a photo with her phone, I winked at her, and they all gasped and giggled, nearly falling over themselves.

“A little much, don’t you think? They’re teenagers, you aren’t playing fair,” Donatella mocked me as we reached front glass doors, which slid open.

“You know, I like this side of you,” I said, walking down the stairs.

“What side of me?”

“The playful one. You were even, dare I say it,” I gasped placing my hand over my mouth, “nice.”

“Give me the keys. I’ll go by myself.”

“What keys?” I asked, placing my hands in my pockets.

At the bottom step, she paused and shook her head. “I’m not playing this game with you; where is the car?”

“What car?”

She nodded to herself, lifting her phone and starting to dial. “Yes, I’m finished. I need a car—”

She was cut off by the sound o

f the helicopter as it flew overhead before landing on the grassy field to our right.

“Option one, you wait out here for your car. There’s traffic, so it will take at least twenty minutes for the car to get here. Option two, you go inside and wait with the woman you politely berated—”